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There are 9 seven-letter words containing I, M, O, P, R and S

IMPORTSimports n. Plural of import.
imports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of import.
IMPORT v. to bring in from an outside source.
IMPOSERimposer n. One who imposes.
IMPOSER n. one who imposes.
IMPROVSimprovs n. Plural of improv.
improvs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of improv.
IMPROV n. (colloquial) improvisational comedy, also IMPRO.
ORPHISMOrphism prop.n. (Religion, Ancient Greece) A religious movement in antiquity, supposed to have been founded by Orpheus.
Orphism prop.n. (Art) A minor Cubist art movement focusing on pure abstraction and bright colours.
ORPHISM n. a style of abstract art.
PORISMSporisms n. Plural of porism.
PORISM n. (Greek) the geometric proposition that it is possible, in certain conditions, for a problem to have any number of solutions.
PROMISEpromise n. (Countable) an oath or affirmation; a vow.
promise n. (Countable) A transaction between two persons whereby the first person undertakes in the future to render…
promise n. (Uncountable) Reason to expect improvement or success; potential.
ROMPISHrompish adj. Given to boisterous play; inclined to romp.
ROMPISH adj. inclined to romp.
SEMIPROsemipro adj. (Slang) Semiprofessional.
semipro n. (Slang) Semiprofessional.
semi-pro adj. Alternative form of semipro.
TROPISMtropism n. (Biology) The turning of an organism in response to a stimulus, either towards or away from the stimulus.
tropism n. (Virology) That type of organ, tissue or cell which supports a certain virus.
tropism n. (Figurative) An instinctive tendency or predilection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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