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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing I, L, O, P, S and U

OILCUPSoilcups n. Plural of oilcup.
OILCUP n. a closed cup for supplying lubricant.
PILEOUSpileous adj. (Not comparable) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of hair.
pileous adj. (Comparable) Covered with hair; hairy.
PILEOUS adj. consisting of, or covered with, hair, also PILOSE, PILOUS.
PIOUSLYpiously adv. In a pious manner.
PIOUS adv. marked by religious reverence.
PULSIONpulsion n. (Now rare) The act of driving forward; propulsion.
pulsion n. (Psychoanalysis) A subconscious drive or impulse.
PULSION n. the act of driving forward; propulsion.
SLIPOUTslipout n. The collapse and sliding away of part of a road etc.
slip␣out v. To leave quietly, and unnoticed.
slip␣out v. To go out for a brief moment; pop out.
SOUPILYsoupily adv. In a soupy way.
SOUPY adv. having the consistency of soup.
UPBOILSupboils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upboil.
UPBOIL v. to boil up.
UPCOILSupcoils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upcoil.
UPCOIL v. to coil up.
UPSILONupsilon n. The twentieth letter of Classical and Modern Greek; the twenty-second letter of Old and Ancient Greek.
upsilon n. (Particle physics) An upsilon meson, or bottomonium.
UPSILON n. (Greek) a Greek letter, also YPSILON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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