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There are 17 seven-letter words containing I, L, 2O, S and T

COOLISTCOOLIST n. a person, esp. a scientist, who does not believe in global warming and the greenhouse effect.
LOOKISTlookist adj. Forming prejudices based on a person’s physical appearance.
lookist n. One who forms prejudices based on a person’s physical appearance.
LOOKIST n. one given to lookism, prejudice on grounds of appearance.
LOOKITSSorry, definition not available.
LORIOTSloriots n. Plural of loriot.
LORIOT n. (French) the golden oriole.
LOTIONSlotions n. Plural of lotion.
LOTION n. a liquid preparation for external application.
OLOGISTologist n. (Colloquial) One who studies some branch of learning, especially one ending in -ology; a specialist.
Ologist n. Alternative form of ologist.
'ologist n. Alternative form of ologist.
OOLITESoolites n. Plural of oolite.
oölites n. Plural of oölite.
OOLITE n. a kind of limestone comprising small egg-like grains.
OOLITHSooliths n. Plural of oolith.
OOLITH n. any of the small rounded granules of which oolite is composed.
OSTIOLEostiole n. (Mycology) A small hole or opening through which certain fungi release their mature spores.
ostiole n. (Botany) A similar hole or opening in plants, such as the opening of the involuted fig inflorescence…
OSTIOLE n. a small bodily opening.
POLOISTpoloist n. A polo player.
POLOIST n. a polo player.
SCIOLTOsciolto adj. (Music) Light, free and easy; without strictness or legato.
sciolto adv. (Music) Played in such a manner.
sciolto n. (Music) A directive in a score specifying that the music is to be played in this manner.
SOLITONsoliton n. (Physics, mathematics) A self-reinforcing pulse or travelling wave caused by any non-linear effect (found…
SOLITON n. a solitary wave in physics.
SOLOISTsoloist n. A person who performs a solo.
SOLOIST n. one who performs alone.
SOOTILYsootily adv. In a sooty manner.
SOOTY adv. covered with soot.
STOOLIEstoolie n. (Slang) A stool pigeon.
STOOLIE n. (short for) a stool-pigeon, a police informer, also STOOLY.
TOOLIEStoolies n. Plural of toolie.
TOOLIE n. (Australian slang) in Australia, an adult who gatecrashes the Schoolies Week celebrations, especially one who makes sexual advances towards students.
TOPSOILtopsoil n. The most fertile soil, easiest to start new plants in.
topsoil v. (Transitive) To remove the topsoil from.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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