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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing I, N, R, T and 2V

ANTIDERIVATIVEantiderivative n. (Calculus) A function whose derivative is a given function; an indefinite integral.
ANTIDERIVATIVE n. an indefinite integral.
ANTISUBVERSIVEantisubversive adj. (Politics) Opposing or countering political subversion.
antisubversive n. One who opposes political subversion.
ANTISUBVERSIVE adj. opposed to subversion.
CONSERVATIVELYconservatively adv. In a conservative manner.
CONSERVATIVE adv. tending to conserve.
DERIVATIVENESSderivativeness n. The state or quality of being derivative.
DERIVATIVE n. formed by derivation.
INTERINVOLVINGinterinvolving v. Present participle of interinvolve.
INTERINVOLVE v. to involve between.
INTROVERSIVELYintroversively adv. In an introversive manner.
INTROVERSIVE adv. related to introversion.
INVIGORATIVELYinvigoratively adv. In an invigorative manner.
INVIGORATIVE adv. serving to invigorate.
NONDERIVATIVESnonderivatives n. Plural of nonderivative.
OVEREVALUATINGoverevaluating v. Present participle of overevaluate.
OVEREVALUATIONoverevaluation n. Synonym of overvaluation.
OVEREVALUATION n. excessive evaluation.
OVERHARVESTINGoverharvesting v. Present participle of overharvest.
overharvesting n. Excessive harvesting.
OVERHARVEST v. to harvest to excess.
OVERINVESTMENToverinvestment n. Excessive investment, especially in one particular area.
OVERINVESTMENT n. excessive investment.
OVERVALUATIONSovervaluations n. Plural of overvaluation.
OVERVALUATION n. excessive valuation.
PREVENTIVENESSpreventiveness n. The quality of being preventive.
PREVENTIVE n. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
REVIVIFICATIONrevivification n. The act of reviving; restoration of life.
revivification n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The reduction of a metal from a state of combination to its metallic state.
REVIVIFICATION n. the act of revivifying.
VENERATIVENESSVENERATIVENESS n. the state of being worthy of veneration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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