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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2I, 3N and Y

ANONYMISATIONSanonymisations n. Plural of anonymisation.
ANONYMIZATIONSanonymizations n. Plural of anonymization.
ANYTHINGARIANSanythingarians n. Plural of anythingarian.
ANYTHINGARIAN n. a person with no beliefs in particular.
ENLIGHTENINGLYenlighteningly adv. In an enlightening way.
ENTERTAININGLYentertainingly adv. In an entertaining manner.
ENTERTAINING adv. amusing.
INCONSISTENTLYinconsistently adv. In an inconsistent manner.
INCONSISTENT adv. lacking consistency.
INCONVENIENTLYinconveniently adv. In an inconvenient manner.
INCONVENIENT adv. not convenient esp. in giving trouble or annoyance.
INSIGNIFICANCYinsignificancy n. (Obsolete) Lack of signification; meaninglessness.
insignificancy n. Unimportance, insignificance.
insignificancy n. An insignificant person or thing.
INTENSIONALITYintensionality n. (Logic, mathematics) The condition of having an intension.
INTENSIONALITY n. the state of being intensional.
INTENTIONALITYintentionality n. The quality of being intentional.
intentionality n. (Philosophy) The characteristic of a mental state whereby it is about something, which relates to mental…
INTENTIONALITY n. the state of being intentional.
INTERTWININGLYintertwiningly adv. So as to intertwine.
INTRANSIGENTLYintransigently adv. In an intransigent manner.
INTRANSIGENT adv. characterized by refusal to compromise.
NONFICTIONALLYnonfictionally adv. In a nonfictional manner.
NONFICTIONAL adv. not fictional.
NONSENSICALITYnonsensicality n. (Uncountable) The state or condition of being nonsensical.
nonsensicality n. (Countable) A nonsensical belief, remark, etc.
NONSENSICALITY n. the state of being nonsensical.
QUINQUENNIALLYquinquennially adv. Every five years.
QUINQUENNIAL adv. lasting five years; occurring every fifth year.
SERPENTININGLYserpentiningly adv. With serpentine twistings.
SERPENTINING adv. winding.
TINTINNABULARYtintinnabulary adj. Alternative form of tintinnabular: related to bells or bell-ringing.
tintinnabulary n. A bell-ringer.
UNCONGENIALITYuncongeniality n. (Uncountable) The quality of being uncongenial.
uncongeniality n. (Countable) Something uncongenial.
UNCONGENIALITY n. the state of being uncongenial.
UNCONVINCINGLYunconvincingly adv. In an unconvincing manner.
UNCONVINCING adv. not convincing.
UNYIELDINGNESSunyieldingness n. The state or condition of being unyielding.
UNYIELDINGNESS n. the state of being unyielding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 133 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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