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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing I, 2L and 3T

ANTIPLATELETSantiplatelets n. Plural of antiplatelet.
ANTISATELLITEantisatellite adj. (Military) Intended to destroy or incapacitate a satellite.
anti-satellite adj. (Of a weapon) designed to destroy satellites.
ANTISATELLITE adj. designed to counter the use of satellites.
ATTITUDINALLYattitudinally adv. In terms of attitude.
ATTITUDINAL adv. relating to attitude.
BELITTLEMENTSbelittlements n. Plural of belittlement.
BELITTLEMENT n. the act of belittling.
MULTITALENTEDmultitalented adj. Having skill or talent in more than one field.
multi-talented adj. Alternative form of multitalented.
MULTITALENTED adj. having many talents.
STALACTITICALstalactitical adj. Alternative form of stalactitic.
STALACTITICAL adj. of or like a stalactite, also STALACTIC, STALACTITIC.
STATISTICALLYstatistically adv. In a statistical way.
statistically adv. From a statistical point of view.
statistically adv. From statistical evidence.
TITILLATINGLYtitillatingly adv. In a titillating manner.
TITILLATING adv. TITILLATE, to tickle or touch lightly; to pleasantly stimulate.
TRILATERALISTTRILATERALIST n. a supporter of trilateralism.
ULTRAFILTRATEultrafiltrate n. The filtrate produced by ultrafiltration.
ultrafiltrate v. To subject to ultrafiltration.
ULTRAFILTRATE n. a substance that has passed through an ultrafilter.
ULTRALEFTISTSultraleftists n. Plural of ultraleftist.
ULTRALEFTIST n. one who supports the extreme Left.
ULTRAMILITANTultramilitant adj. Extremely militant.
ULTRAMILITANT n. one who is exceptionally militant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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