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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, K, L and 2S

ANTIBLACKISMSANTIBLACKISM n. prejudice against black people.
BILLSTICKINGSBILLSTICKING n. the act of posting bills.
BLACKLISTINGSblacklistings n. Plural of blacklisting.
BLACKLISTING n. the act of putting on a blacklist.
CHILDLIKENESSchildlikeness n. The state or quality of being childlike.
CHILDLIKE n. like a child.
DISLIKENESSESDISLIKENESS n. (obsolete) unlikeness.
GLAIKITNESSESGLAIKITNESS n. the quality of being glaikit, giddy, foolish, also GLAIKETNESS.
KINESIOLOGIESkinesiologies n. (Rare) plural of kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGY n. the study of human movement and posture, including aspects of anatomy.
KINESIOLOGISTkinesiologist n. One who practises kinesiology.
KINESIOLOGIST n. a specialist in kinesiology.
KLIPSPRINGERSklipspringers n. Plural of klipspringer.
KLIPSPRINGER n. (South African) a small, hoofed African antelope.
LICKERISHNESSlickerishness n. Quality of being lickerish.
LICKERISH n. (obsolete) dainty, tempting to the taste; lecherous, also LIQUORISH.
LOCKSMITHINGSLOCKSMITHING n. the work or business of a locksmith.
MARLINESPIKESmarlinespikes n. Plural of marlinespike.
marline␣spikes n. Plural of marline spike.
MARLINESPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINGSPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MARLINGSPIKESmarlingspikes n. Plural of marlingspike.
marling␣spikes n. Plural of marling spike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
MULTITASKINGSMULTITASKING n. the action of running several processes or jobs simultaneously on a system.
PRICKLINESSESpricklinesses n. Plural of prickliness.
PRICKLINESS n. the state of being prickly.
SILKSCREENINGsilkscreening v. Present participle of silkscreen.
SILKSCREEN v. to print via a certain process.
SKELETONISINGskeletonising v. Present participle of skeletonise.
SKELETONISE v. to reduce to a skeleton, also SKELETONIZE.
SKINFLINTIESTSKINFLINTY adj. stingy, like a skinflint.
WALKINGSTICKSwalkingsticks n. Plural of walkingstick.
walking-sticks n. Plural of walking-stick.
walking␣sticks n. Plural of walking stick.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 131 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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