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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing I, L, R and 3U

AQUICULTURALaquicultural adj. Alternative form of aquacultural.
AQUICULTURAL adj. relating to aquiculture, the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming.
AQUICULTURESaquicultures n. Plural of aquiculture.
AQUICULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUACULTURE.
CIRCUMFLUOUScircumfluous adj. Circumfluent.
CIRCUMFLUOUS adj. flowing around, also CIRCUMFLUENT.
CIRROCUMULUScirrocumulus n. (Physics, meteorology) A principal high-level cloud type appearing as a thin, white patch of cloud without…
CIRROCUMULUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
CUPULIFEROUScupuliferous adj. (Botany) Bearing, or furnished with, a cupule.
CUPULIFEROUS adj. bearing cupules.
DOUROUCOULISdouroucoulis n. Plural of douroucouli.
DOUROUCOULI n. a small, nocturnal, South American monkey, also DURUKULI.
DURALUMINIUMduraluminium n. Synonym of duralumin.
DURALUMINIUM n. a strong, light, aluminium alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMIN.
FURUNCULOSISfurunculosis n. (Medicine) The presence of furuncles or boils.
FURUNCULOSIS n. an affliction of boils.
IRACUNDULOUSIRACUNDULOUS adj. somewhat inclined to become angry.
LUGUBRIOUSLYlugubriously adv. In a lugubrious manner.
LUGUBRIOUS adv. mournful, dismal, esp. in an exaggerated or affected manner.
SUBAURICULARsubauricular adj. Beneath the ear.
SUBAURICULAR adj. below the ear.
SUBCULTURINGsubculturing v. Present participle of subculture.
subculturing n. The preparation of a subculture.
SUBCULTURE v. to create a subculture e.g. of bacteria.
UNFRUITFULLYunfruitfully adv. In an unfruitful manner.
UNFRUITFUL adv. not fruitful.
UNMIRACULOUSunmiraculous adj. Not miraculous; commonplace, mundane.
UNMIRACULOUS adj. not miraculous.
UNVIRTUOUSLYunvirtuously adv. In an unvirtuous manner.
UNVIRTUOUS adv. not virtuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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