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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing I, L, O, Q, S and T

COEQUALITIEScoequalities n. Plural of coequality.
COEQUALITY n. the state of being on an equality, as in rank or power.
COQUETTISHLYcoquettishly adv. In a coquettish manner, flirtatiously.
COQUETTISH adv. practicing or exhibiting coquetry; alluring.
EQUALISATIONequalisation n. Alternative spelling of equalization.
EQUALISATION n. the act of equalising, also EQUALIZATION.
EQUINOCTIALSequinoctials n. Plural of equinoctial.
EQUINOCTIAL n. an equinoctial gale.
EQUIPOLLENTSequipollents n. Plural of equipollent.
EQUIPOLLENT n. something of equal power.
ILLIQUATIONSILLIQUATION n. the melting of one thing into another.
INIQUITOUSLYiniquitously adv. In an iniquitous manner.
INIQUITOUS adv. characterized by gross wickedness.
LIQUIDATIONSliquidations n. Plural of liquidation.
LIQUIDATION n. the act of liquidating.
MILQUETOASTSmilquetoasts n. Plural of milquetoast.
Milquetoasts n. Plural of Milquetoast.
MILQUETOAST n. a very timid, unassertive person, also MILKTOAST.
MULTILOQUIESMULTILOQUY n. excess of words or talk.
MULTILOQUOUSmultiloquous adj. Very talkative.
MULTILOQUOUS adj. given to much speaking.
OBLIQUATIONSOBLIQUATION n. (obsolete) obliqueness.
QUESTIONABLEquestionable adj. Problematic; open to doubt or challenge.
questionable adj. Of dubious respectability or morality.
questionable adj. (Obsolete) Inviting questions; inviting inquiry.
QUESTIONABLYquestionably adv. In a questionable manner.
QUESTIONABLE adv. open to question.
QUESTIONLESSquestionless adj. (Rare) Certain; indubitable; unquestionable; not admitting of question or doubt.
questionless adj. Asking no questions; unquestioning.
questionless adv. (Archaic) Certainly; undoubtedly; without question.
QUINTILLIONSquintillions n. Plural of quintillion.
QUINTILLION n. a thousand raised to the sixth power.
SOLILOQUISTSsoliloquists n. Plural of soliloquist.
SOLILOQUIST n. one who soliloquizes.
SOMNILOQUISTsomniloquist n. A person who talks in his/her sleep.
SOMNILOQUIST n. one who talks in his sleep.
UBIQUITOUSLYubiquitously adv. In a ubiquitous manner.
UBIQUITOUS adv. being everywhere at once, also UBIQUITARY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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