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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2I, O, P, R and X

EXOPARASITICEXOPARASITIC adj. of or like an exoparasite.
EXPATRIATIONexpatriation n. Voluntary migration from one’s native land to another.
expatriation n. Forced expulsion of from one’s native land to another.
EXPATRIATION n. the act of expatriating.
EXPEDITIONERexpeditioner n. One who goes on an expedition.
EXPOSITORILYexpositorily adv. In an expository fashion.
EXPOSITORY adv. pertaining to, or containing, exposition.
EXPROMISSIONexpromission n. (Law) The intervention of a new debtor, substituted for the former one, who is consequently discharged…
EXPROMISSION n. relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself.
EXTIRPATIONSextirpations n. Plural of extirpation.
EXTIRPATION n. the act of extirpating.
IDEOPRAXISTSideopraxists n. Plural of ideopraxist.
IDEOPRAXIST n. one who is impelled to carry out an idea.
ISOXSUPRINESISOXSUPRINE n. a drug which dilates blood vessels, used to inhibit contractions in premature labour and in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.
OVEREXPLICIToverexplicit adj. Excessively explicit.
OVEREXPLICIT adj. excessively explicit.
PARADOXIDIANPARADOXIDIAN adj. belonging to the Paradoxides, a Middle Cambrian genus of trilobites.
PEROXIDATIONperoxidation n. (Chemistry) Any oxidation reaction, especially of an oxide, that produces a peroxide.
peroxidation n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of a double bond with a peroxide.
PEROXIDATION n. the creation of a peroxide.
PEROXIDISINGperoxidising v. Present participle of peroxidise.
PEROXIDISE v. to oxidize to the utmost degree, so as to form a peroxide, also PEROXIDIZE.
PEROXIDIZINGperoxidizing v. Present participle of peroxidize.
PEROXIDIZE v. to oxidize to the utmost degree, so as to form a peroxide, also PEROXIDISE.
PROXIMATIONSproximations n. Plural of proximation.
PROXIMATION n. immediate nearness in time, place, relationship, etc., also PROXIMITY.
PYRIDOXAMINEpyridoxamine n. (Biochemistry) A constituent of vitamin B6, essential for the metabolism of starch and amino acids.
PYRIDOXAMINE n. a crystalline amine of the vitamin B6 group.
THIXOTROPIESTHIXOTROPY n. the property of certain gels of becoming fluid when agitated and of reverting back to a gel when left to stand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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