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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 3I, P, T and V

ADAPTIVITIESadaptivities n. Plural of adaptivity.
ADAPTIVITY n. the quality of being adaptive.
ANTICIPATIVEanticipative adj. Of or pertaining to anticipation; inclined to anticipate; expectant.
ANTICIPATIVE adj. of anticipation.
DIAPOSITIVESdiapositives n. Plural of diapositive.
DIAPOSITIVE n. a transparent photographic positive; a slide.
DISPOSITIVESdispositives n. Plural of dispositive.
DISPOSITIVE n. a thing that disposes.
ERUPTIVITIESERUPTIVITY n. the state of being eruptive.
OPINIONATIVEopinionative adj. Of, pertaining to, being, or expressing opinion.
opinionative adj. (Of persons) Opinionated.
OPINIONATIVE adj. of, relating to, or consisting of opinion.
OVIPOSITIONSovipositions n. Plural of oviposition.
OVIPOSITION n. the act of ovipositing.
PERMITTIVITYpermittivity n. (Physics) A property of a dielectric medium that determines the forces that electric charges placed…
PERMITTIVITY n. the ratio of the electric displacement in a medium to the electric field intensity producing it.
POSITIVISTICpositivistic adj. Of or pertaining to positivism.
POSITIVISTIC adj. relating to positivism, the doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable.
POSITIVITIESpositivities n. Plural of positivity.
POSITIVITY n. positiveness.
PRIMITIVISMSprimitivisms n. Plural of primitivism.
PRIMITIVISM n. the doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best.
PRIMITIVISTSprimitivists n. Plural of primitivist.
PRIMITIVIST n. one who practises primitivism, the doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best.
PROCLIVITIESproclivities n. Plural of proclivity.
PROCLIVITY n. an inclination or predisposition toward something.
PROPITIATIVEpropitiative adj. Serving to, or intended to, propitiate; propitiatory, reconciliatory.
PROPITIATIVE adj. serving to propitiate, also PROPITIATIOUS, PROPITIATORY.
PURIFICATIVEpurificative adj. Having power to purify or cleanse.
PURIFICATIVE adj. serving to purify, also PURIFICATORY.
VIVIPARITIESVIVIPARITY n. the state of being viviparous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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