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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 3I, O, P and U

AILUROPHILIAailurophilia n. A fondness or love for cats or other felines.
AILUROPHILIA n. the love of cats, also AILOUROPHILIA.
AILUROPHILICailurophilic adj. Of or relating to ailurophilia or ailurophiles.
AILUROPHILIC adj. loving cats, also AILOUROPHILIC.
EPILOGUISINGEPILOGUISE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUIZE.
EPILOGUIZINGepiloguizing v. Present participle of epiloguize.
EPILOGUIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUISE.
IMPETIGINOUSimpetiginous adj. Of the nature of, or pertaining to, impetigo.
IMPETIGINOUS adj. suffering from impetigo.
INAUSPICIOUSinauspicious adj. Not auspicious; ill-omened.
INAUSPICIOUS adj. not auspicious.
PERQUISITIONperquisition n. A thorough inquiry or search.
PERQUISITION n. a diligent inquiry.
POSTLIMINIUMpostliminium n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) The return to his own country, and his former privileges, of a person…
postliminium n. (Law) The right by virtue of which persons and things taken by an enemy in war are restored to their…
POSTLIMINIUM n. the right by which persons and property seized in war are restored to their former status on recovery, also POSTLIMINY.
PURIFICATIONpurification n. The act or process of purifying; the removal of impurities.
purification n. A religious act or rite in which a defiled person is made clean or free from sin.
purification n. (Christianity) The pouring of wine into the chalice to rinse it after communion, the wine being then…
SPIRITUOSITYspirituosity n. The quality or state of being spirituous.
spirituosity n. Immateriality.
SPIRITUOSITY n. the state of being spirituous.
SPURIOSITIESspuriosities n. Plural of spuriosity.
SPURIOSITY n. the state of being spurious.
SUSPICIONINGsuspicioning v. Present participle of suspicion.
SUSPICION v. to suspect.
TRIPUDIATIONtripudiation n. (Formal, obsolete) The act of dancing.
TRIPUDIATION n. dancing for joy.
UTOPIANISINGutopianising v. Present participle of utopianise.
UTOPIANISE v. to make Utopian, also UTOPIANIZE.
UTOPIANIZINGutopianizing v. Present participle of utopianize.
UTOPIANIZE v. to make Utopian, also UTOPIANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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