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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 4I, T and U

AQUILINITIESaquilinities n. Plural of aquilinity.
AQUILINITY n. the state of being aquiline.
AUDIBILITIESAUDIBILITY n. the state of being audible.
BITUMINISINGbituminising v. Present participle of bituminise.
BITUMINISE v. to treat with bitumen, also BITUMINIZE.
BITUMINIZINGbituminizing v. Present participle of bituminize.
BITUMINIZE v. to treat with bitumen, also BITUMINISE.
DISQUISITIONdisquisition n. A methodical inquiry or investigation.
disquisition n. A lengthy, formal discourse that analyses or explains some topic; (loosely) a dissertation or treatise.
DISQUISITION n. a carefully argued examination of a topic.
DISQUISITIVEdisquisitive adj. Relating to disquisition; fond of discussion or investigation; inquisitive.
DISUTILITIESdisutilities n. Plural of disutility.
DISUTILITY n. the state of being counterproductive.
FUSIBILITIESfusibilities n. Plural of fusibility.
FUSIBILITY n. the quality of being fusible.
IMPUDICITIESimpudicities n. Plural of impudicity.
IMPUDICITY n. immodesty, shamelessness.
INAUDIBILITYinaudibility n. The property of being inaudible.
INAUDIBILITY n. the state of being inaudible.
INDUCIBILITYinducibility n. (Uncountable) The state of being inducible.
inducibility n. (Countable) The degree to which something is inducible.
INDUCIBILITY n. the state of being inducible.
INFUSIBILITYinfusibility n. Incapability or difficulty of being fused, melted, or dissolved.
infusibility n. Capability of being infused, poured in, or instilled.
INFUSIBILITY n. the state of being infusible.
INIMICITIOUSinimicitious adj. (Obsolete) Inimical; unfriendly, hostile.
INIMICITIOUS adj. (Sterne) unfriendly.
INQUISITIONSinquisitions n. Plural of inquisition.
INQUISITION n. the act of inquiring.
INTUITIONISMintuitionism n. (Mathematics) An approach to mathematics/logic which avoids proof by contradiction, and which requires…
INTUITIONISM n. the belief that the perception of truth is by intuition.
INTUITIONISTintuitionist n. A person who studies intuitionistic mathematics.
INTUITIONIST n. a believer in intuitionism.
PINGUIDITIESPINGUIDITY n. the quality of being pinguid.
UNCIVILITIESuncivilities n. Plural of uncivility.
UNCIVILITY n. the state of being not civil, also INCIVILITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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