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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing I, 2O, 2T and Z

ANTIOZONANTantiozonant n. Any chemical compound that prevents or slows down the degradation of material by ozone gas in the air.
anti-ozonant n. Alternative form of antiozonant.
ANTIOZONANT n. a substance that opposes ozonization or protects against it.
ATOMIZATIONatomization n. The act or an instance of atomizing.
ATOMIZATION n. the reduction of liquids to the form of spray, also ATOMISATION.
AUTOTOMIZEDautotomized v. Simple past tense and past participle of autotomize.
AUTOTOMIZE v. to effect an autotomy, the reflex loss of part of the body to save the whole (in lizards, etc.), also AUTOTOMISE.
AUTOTOMIZESautotomizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autotomize.
AUTOTOMIZE v. to effect an autotomy, the reflex loss of part of the body to save the whole (in lizards, etc.), also AUTOTOMISE.
CRYPTOZOITEcryptozoite n. The exoerythrocytic stage of a malarial parasite.
CRYPTOZOITE n. a malarial parasite at the stage of development in its host before it enters the red blood cells.
EROTIZATIONerotization n. Alternative form of eroticization.
EROTIZATION n. the act of erotizing, also EROTISATION.
MEZZOTINTOSmezzotintos n. Plural of mezzotinto.
MEZZOTINTO n. (Italian) a mezzotint.
TAUTOLOGIZEtautologize v. To speak or write tautology; to repeat the same thing in different words.
TAUTOLOGIZE v. to use tautology, also TAUTOLOGISE.
TOPAZOLITEStopazolites n. Plural of topazolite.
TOPAZOLITE n. a topaz-yellow variety of garnet.
TOTALIZATORtotalizator n. (US) A computer-like machine, at a racecourse, that registers bets and distributes the total amount…
TOTALIZATOR n. an automatic betting machine, also TOTALISATOR.
TROPHOZOITEtrophozoite n. A protozoan in the feeding stage of its life cycle.
TROPHOZOITE n. in Protozoa, the trophic phase of an adult.
ZOOTHEISTICzootheistic adj. Of or pertaining to zootheism.
ZOOTHEISTIC adj. relating to zootheism, the attribution of divine qualities to animals.
ZOOTSUITERSzootsuiters n. Plural of zootsuiter.
zoot-suiters n. Plural of zoot-suiter.
ZOOTSUITER n. someone who wears a zoot suit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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