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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing I, N, S, T, V and Y

ANTISLAVERYantislavery adj. (Sociology) Opposed to the practice of slavery.
ANTISLAVERY adj. opposed to slavery.
EXPANSIVITYexpansivity n. Expansiveness.
expansivity n. (Mathematics) The formal notion of points moving away from one another under the action of an iterated function.
EXPANSIVITY n. the state of being expansive.
EXTENSIVELYextensively adv. In an extensive manner, widely.
extensively adv. To a great extent.
EXTENSIVE adv. large, widespread, also EXTENSE.
HYPOTENSIVEhypotensive adj. Relating to hypotension (low blood pressure).
hypotensive n. Any drug that lowers the blood pressure.
hypotensive n. A drug that lowers the blood pressure as its principal intended effect; a drug taken to treat hypertension.
INCLUSIVITYinclusivity n. Inclusiveness.
INCLUSIVITY n. the state of being inclusive.
INTENSIVELYintensively adv. In an intensive way.
INTENSIVE adv. making intense.
INTRUSIVELYintrusively adv. In an intrusive manner; by intrusion.
INTRUSIVE adv. tending to intrude.
OSTENSIVELYostensively adv. (Manner) In an ostensive manner.
ostensively adv. (Modal) Ostensibly.
OSTENSIVE adv. showing, exhibiting.
OVERSTAYINGoverstaying v. Present participle of overstay.
OVERSTAY v. to stay beyond a time limit.
SENSITIVELYsensitively adv. In a sensitive manner; with sensitivity.
SENSITIVE adv. having the power of sensation.
SENSITIVITYsensitivity n. The quality or state of being sensitive; sensitiveness.
sensitivity n. (Biology) The ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli.
sensitivity n. (Statistics) The probability, in a binary classification test, of a true positive being correctly identified.
SOVEREIGNTYsovereignty n. Of a polity: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.
sovereignty n. Of a ruler: supreme authority over all things.
sovereignty n. Of a person: the liberty to decide one’s thoughts and actions.
SYLVESTRIANsylvestrian adj. Sylvan.
SYLVESTRIAN adj. relating to woodland, also SILVESTRIAN.
SYNCOPATIVEsyncopative adj. Of or relating to syncopation.
SYNCOPATIVE adj. relating to syncopation.
SYNOVITISESSYNOVITIS n. inflammation of a synovial membrane.
TRAVESTYINGtravestying v. Present participle of travesty.
TRAVESTY v. to parody.
VINEYARDISTvineyardist n. One who cultivates a vineyard.
VINEYARDIST n. one who owns a vineyard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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