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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing I, M, N, P and 2U

BUCKJUMPINGbuckjumping n. (Australia) The action (of a horse) of aggressively attempting to buck a rider.
buckjumping n. (Australia) A rodeo event in which the rider attempts to stay in the saddle of a bucking horse for a set period.
BUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
EPINEURIUMSepineuriums n. Plural of epineurium.
EPINEURIUM n. the connective tissue framework and sheath of a nerve.
IMPECUNIOUSimpecunious adj. Lacking money.
IMPECUNIOUS adj. without money; penniless.
OUTTRUMPINGouttrumping v. Present participle of outtrump.
OUTTRUMP v. to surpass in trumping.
PERINEURIUMperineurium n. (Anatomy) The sheath of connective tissue that surrounds a fascicle of nerve fibres.
PERINEURIUM n. the connective tissue forming a sheath around a single bundle of nerve fibres.
PLUMULARIANplumularian n. (Zoology) Any plumularia.
plumularian adj. (Zoology) Belonging or relating to the plumularia.
PLUMULARIAN n. a member of the Plumularia, a kind of Hydrozoa.
RUMGUMPTIONrumgumption n. (UK, dialect, archaic) rough and homely common sense.
rumgumption n. (UK, dialect, archaic) shrewdness of intellect.
SUBSUMPTIONsubsumption n. The act of subsuming.
subsumption n. Something subsumed.
subsumption n. (Logic) The premise of a syllogism that contains the minor term.
SULPHONIUMSsulphoniums n. Plural of sulphonium.
SULPHONIUM n. the positively charged group SH3, its salts or derivatives, also SULFONIUM.
TITIPOUNAMUtitipounamu n. The rifleman (bird), Acanthisitta chloris.
TITIPOUNAMU n. (Maori) a kind of wren, aka rifleman.
UNCRUMPLINGuncrumpling v. Present participle of uncrumple.
UNCRUMPLE v. to smooth out, remove the crumpling from.
UNPRESUMINGunpresuming adj. Not presumptuous.
UNPRESUMING adj. modest, not presuming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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