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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing I, 2M, R, S and Y

ASYMMETRIESasymmetries n. Plural of asymmetry.
ASYMMETRY n. lack of symmetry.
AXISYMMETRYaxisymmetry n. Symmetry about an axis; rotational symmetry.
AXISYMMETRY n. the state of being axisymmetric.
BISYMMETRICbisymmetric adj. (Mathematics, of a square matrix) Symmetric about both of its main diagonals.
BISYMMETRIC adj. showing symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other, also BISYMMETRICAL.
DISSYMMETRYdissymmetry n. Asymmetry.
dissymmetry n. (Obsolete, chemistry) chirality.
DISSYMMETRY n. the absence of or the lack of symmetry.
IMMERSIVELYimmersively adv. In an immersive manner.
MATRONYMICSmatronymics n. Plural of matronymic.
MATRONYMIC n. a name so derived, also METRONYMIC.
MEROMYOSINSmeromyosins n. Plural of meromyosin.
MEROMYOSIN n. protein subunits of myosin molecule.
METRONYMICSmetronymics n. Plural of metronymic.
METRONYMIC n. a name so derived, also MATRONYMIC.
MISMARRYINGmismarrying v. Present participle of mismarry.
MISMARRY v. to marry unsuitably.
POLYMERISMSpolymerisms n. Plural of polymerism.
POLYMERISM n. the state, quality, or relation of two or more polymeric substances.
SEISMOMETRYseismometry n. The numerical or spatial measurement of earthquakes.
SEISMOMETRY n. the scientific study of earthquakes.
SYMMETRIANSsymmetrians n. Plural of symmetrian.
SYMMETRIAN n. a person who studies or theorizes on the due proportions of things.
SYMMETRICALsymmetrical adj. Exhibiting symmetry; having harmonious or proportionate arrangement of parts; having corresponding parts or relations.
SYMMETRICAL adj. having symmetry, also SYMMETRIC.
SYMMETRISEDsymmetrised v. Simple past tense and past participle of symmetrise.
symmetrised adj. Alternative spelling of symmetrized.
SYMMETRISE v. to make symmetrical, also SYMMETRIZE.
SYMMETRISESsymmetrises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of symmetrise.
SYMMETRISE v. to make symmetrical, also SYMMETRIZE.
SYMMETRIZEDsymmetrized v. Simple past tense and past participle of symmetrize.
SYMMETRIZE v. to make symmetrical, also SYMMETRISE.
SYMMETRIZESsymmetrizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of symmetrize.
SYMMETRIZE v. to make symmetrical, also SYMMETRISE.
ZYMOSIMETERzymosimeter n. An instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation occasioned by the mixture of different liquids…
ZYMOSIMETER n. an instrument for measuring fermentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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