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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing I, L, M, O, U and V

CIRCUMVOLVEcircumvolve v. (Intransitive) To revolve or move around something.
circumvolve v. (Transitive) To roll round; to cause to revolve; to put into a circular motion.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
COMPLUVIUMSCOMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the impluvium or cistern.
COMPULSIVEScompulsives n. Plural of compulsive.
COMPULSIVE n. one driven by an ungovernable impulse.
FLUVOXAMINEfluvoxamine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug which acts by prolonging the effect of the neurotransmitter…
FLUVOXAMINE n. an antidepressant predominantly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.
LIVERMORIUMlivermorium n. The chemical element with atomic number 116 (symbol Lv).
LIVERMORIUM n. a transuranic element produced by bombarding curium with calcium-20 ions.
MELLIVOROUSmellivorous adj. Honey-eating.
MELLIVOROUS adj. honey-eating.
MICROVILLUSmicrovillus n. Any of many fingerlike extensions on the surfaces of many cells, consisting of the proteins actin, fimbrin…
MICROVILLUS n. a microscopic projection from the surface of a cell wall.
MULTIVOCALSMULTIVOCAL n. a word with many meanings.
MULTIVOICEDmultivoiced adj. Having more than one voice.
MULTIVOLUMEmultivolume adj. (Of a written work) Having multiple volumes.
multivolume adj. (Computing) Of or relating to more than one volume, or storage area.
MULTIVOLUME adj. comprising more than one volume.
PLUVIOMETERpluviometer n. (Meteorology) A scientific instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall.
PLUVIOMETER n. a device for recording rainfall.
PLUVIOMETRYpluviometry n. The scientific measurement of rainfall.
PLUVIOMETRY n. the measurement of rain.
VASCULIFORMvasculiform adj. Vascular in form; shaped like a vessel.
VASCULIFORM adj. shaped like a small vase or flowerpot.
VERMICULOUSvermiculous adj. Containing, or full of, worms; resembling worms; wormy.
VERMICULOUS adj. wormy.
VERMINOUSLYverminously adv. In a verminous way.
VERMINOUS adv. full of vermin.
VOLUMETRIESVOLUMETRY n. the act of measuring by volume.
VOLUNTARISMvoluntarism n. (US) A reliance on volunteers to support an institution or achieve an end; volunteerism.
voluntarism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine that assigns the most dominant position to the will rather than the intellect.
voluntarism n. (Politics) The political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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