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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing I, 3L, M and O

ALLOPLASMICalloplasmic adj. Relating to, or composed of alloplasm.
ALLOPLASMIC adj. relating to the alloplasm.
LAMELLATIONlamellation n. A lamellate layer or segment.
LAMELLATION n. the state of being lamellate.
LAMELLICORNlamellicorn adj. (Entomology, of antennae) Having a group of flat lamellae on the end.
lamellicorn adj. (Entomology, of beetles) Having such antennae.
lamellicorn n. (Obsolete) A scarabaeid beetle with such antennae, in the obsolete taxon Lamellicornia.
LAMELLIFORMlamelliform adj. Thin and flat; lamellar.
LAMELLIFORM adj. shaped like a plate or layer.
LAMELLOSITYLAMELLOSITY n. the state of being lamellose.
LAPILLIFORMlapilliform adj. Having the form of small stones.
LAPILLIFORM adj. shaped like a small stone.
MELLIFLUOUSmellifluous adj. Flowing like honey.
mellifluous adj. (Figurative) Sweet, smooth and musical; pleasant to hear (generally used of a person’s voice, tone or…
MELLIFLUOUS adj. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUENT.
MELODICALLYmelodically adv. In a melodic manner.
MELODIC adv. pertaining to melody.
METALLOIDALmetalloidal adj. Metalloid.
METALLOIDAL adj. intermediate in its properties between a typical metal and a typical nonmetal.
MILLIONFOLDmillionfold adj. A million times so.
millionfold adv. By a factor of a million.
MILLIONFOLD adv. multiplied by a million.
MILLIOSMOLSmilliosmols n. Plural of milliosmol.
MILLIOSMOL n. one thousandth of an osmol, a unit of osmotic pressure.
MOLLIFIABLEmollifiable adj. Capable of being mollified.
MOLLIFIABLE adj. that can be mollified.
POLEMICALLYpolemically adv. In a polemical manner.
POLEMICAL adv. related to polemics, debate, also POLEMIC.
SLUMGULLIONslumgullion n. A stew of meat and vegetables.
slumgullion n. A beverage made watery, such as weak coffee or tea.
slumgullion n. A reddish muddy deposit in mining sluices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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