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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2I, 2O, T and Y

COMORBIDITYcomorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The presence of one or more disorders (or diseases) in addition to a primary…
comorbidity n. (Medicine, countable) A disease thus coexisting.
comorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The effect of such additional disorders or diseases.
HYLOZOISTIChylozoistic adj. Of or relating to hylozoism.
HYLOZOISTIC adj. relating to the belief that all matter has life.
INCOMMODITYincommodity n. (Archaic) inconvenience; trouble; annoyance; disadvantage.
INCOMMODITY n. anything that causes inconvenience.
ISOANTIBODYisoantibody n. An antibody produced by an individual against isoantigens produced by members of the same species.
ISOANTIBODY n. an antibody that occurs naturally against foreign tissue from an individual of the same species.
ISOTONICITYisotonicity n. The state of being isotonic, or extent to which something is isotonic.
ISOTONICITY n. the quality of being isotonic.
MYOINOSITOLmyoinositol n. (Organic chemistry) The most commonly-occurring isomer of inositol.
MYOINOSITOL n. a biologically active inositol that is a component of many phospholipids and occurs widely in plants, animals, and microorganisms.
NONMINORITYnonminority n. One who is not part of a (sociopolitical) minority.
NONMINORITY n. something that is not a minority.
NONMOTILITYnonmotility n. Absence of motility; inability to move.
NONMOTILITY n. the state of being nonmotile.
NOTIONALITYnotionality n. The state or property of being notional.
notionality n. A notional or groundless opinion.
NOTIONALITY n. the state of being notional.
OMNIFORMITYomniformity n. The condition or quality of having every form.
OMNIFORMITY n. the state of having every form.
OPTIONALITYoptionality n. (Finance, business) The value of additional optional investment opportunities available only after having…
optionality n. Quality or state in which choice or discretion is allowed.
OPTIONALITY n. the state of being optional.
OTOTOXICITYototoxicity n. Damage to the ear, specifically the cochlea and sometimes the vestibular system, by a toxin.
OTOTOXICITY n. the state of being ototoxic.
PINOCYTOSISpinocytosis n. (Biology) A form of endocytosis in which material enters a cell through its membrane and is incorporated…
PINOCYTOSIS n. a process by which droplets of liquid are taken into a cell in small vesicles pinched off from the cell membrane.
PINOCYTOTICpinocytotic adj. Relating to pinocytosis.
PINOCYTOTIC adj. relating to pinocytosis, drinking by cells.
POIKILOCYTEpoikilocyte n. (Physiology) An irregular form of corpuscle found in the blood in cases of profound anaemia, probably…
POIKILOCYTE n. an irregular red blood corpuscle.
POPMOBILITYpopmobility n. (Dated) A form of aerobics performed to pop music.
POPMOBILITY n. a form of exercise that combines aerobics in a continuous dance routine, performed to pop music.
PROHIBITORYprohibitory adj. That serves to prohibit or forbid.
PROHIBITORY adj. serving to prohibit.
VICTIMOLOGYvictimology n. The study of the victims of crime, and especially of the reasons why some people are more prone to be victims.
VICTIMOLOGY n. the study of victims.
VOLITIONARYvolitionary adj. Relating to the volition or will; volitional.
VOLITIONARY adj. relating to volition, also VOLITIONAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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