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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2I, N, T, Y and Z

CYCLIZATIONcyclization n. (Chemistry) The process of cyclizing, of becoming or causing to become aromatic.
cyclization n. (Chemistry) Any reaction that results in the formation of a ring. ring closure.
CYCLIZATION n. the formation of a ring in a chemical compound, also CYCLISATION.
DIALYZATIONdialyzation n. (Chemistry) dialysis.
DIALYZATION n. the act of dialyzing, also DIALYSATION.
HYPNOTIZINGhypnotizing v. Present participle of hypnotize.
HYPNOTIZE v. to put in a state of hypnosis, also HYPNOTISE.
KYANIZATIONkyanization n. The act or process of kyanizing.
KYANIZATION n. the process of kyanizing, proofing against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate, also KYANISATION.
MARTYRIZINGmartyrizing v. Present participle of martyrize.
MARTYRIZE v. to offer as a sacrifice; to cause to suffer martyrdom, also MARTYRISE.
MYLONITIZEDMYLONITIZE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITISE.
MYLONITIZESMYLONITIZE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITISE.
MYTHICIZINGmythicizing v. Present participle of mythicize.
MYTHICIZE v. to make mythical, also MYTHICISE.
RHYTHMIZINGrhythmizing v. Present participle of rhythmize.
RHYTHMIZE v. to subject to rhythm, also RHYTHMISE.
STYLIZATIONstylization n. The process or result of designing or presenting in accordance with a style. Adoption of a style.
stylization n. Simplified representation; reduction to a pattern or conventional form; abstraction; decorative generalization.
STYLIZATION n. the act of stylizing, also STYLISATION.
STYLOPIZINGSTYLOPIZE v. to paralyse a host, also STYLOPISE.
SYNTONIZINGsyntonizing v. Present participle of syntonize.
SYNTONIZE v. to adjust to agree in frequency, also SYNTONISE.
SYSTEMIZINGsystemizing v. Present participle of systemize.
SYSTEMIZE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMISE.
TYRANNIZINGtyrannizing v. Present participle of tyrannize.
TYRANNIZE v. to act like a tyrant towards, also TYRANNISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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