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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3I, P, T and U

CAPILLITIUMcapillitium n. A mass of sterile fibers within a fruiting body interspersed among spores.
CAPILLITIUM n. a mass of threads.
DUPLICITIESduplicities n. Plural of duplicity.
DUPLICITY n. doubleness, esp. in conduct or intention.
EMPIRICUTICEMPIRICUTIC adj. (obsolete) empirical.
IMPULSIVITYimpulsivity n. The quality of being impulsive, impulsiveness; inclination to act on impulse rather than thought.
IMPULSIVITY n. the state of being impulsive.
LILLIPUTIANlilliputian n. A very small person or being.
lilliputian n. (Genetics) A fruit fly gene that, when mutated, makes cells abnormally small. See AFF2.
lilliputian adj. Very small, diminutive.
PICTURISINGpicturising v. Present participle of picturise.
PICTURISE v. to picture, also PICTURIZE.
PICTURIZINGpicturizing v. Present participle of picturize.
PICTURIZE v. to picture, also PICTURISE.
PITUITARIESpituitaries n. Plural of pituitary.
PITUITARY n. the pituitary gland.
PUBLICITIESpublicities n. Plural of publicity.
PUBLICITY n. the process of making something known to the general public.
PUERILITIESpuerilities n. Plural of puerility.
PUERILITY n. the state of being puerile.
PUTRIDITIESputridities n. Plural of putridity.
PUTRIDITY n. the state of being putrid, also PUTRIDNESS.
STUPIDITIESstupidities n. Plural of stupidity.
STUPIDITY n. the quality of being stupid.
TRIPHIBIOUStriphibious adj. (Of a craft) Capable of traveling on land, air and sea.
triphibious adj. (Military) Involving land, air and sea forces.
TRIPHIBIOUS adj. of military operations, taking place on land, in water and in air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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