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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 3I, 2M and T

AMPHIMICTICamphimictic adj. Relating to amphimixis.
AMPHIMICTIC adj. relating to amphimixis.
BIOMIMETICSbiomimetics n. The study of the structure and function of living things as models for the creation of materials or…
BIOMIMETICS n. the science of deriving useful structures and processes from the study of natural parallels e.g. Velcro from plant burrs.
GIMMICKIESTgimmickiest adj. Superlative form of gimmicky: most gimmicky.
GIMMICKY adj. having or being like a gimmick.
IMMEDIATISMimmediatism n. A political philosophy embracing the virtues of immediate social interactions with people as a means…
immediatism n. (Historical) The belief that slavery should be ended immediately, without political process.
IMMEDIATISM n. the policy of action at once, esp. in the abolition of slavery in the US.
IMMENSITIESimmensities n. Plural of immensity.
IMMENSITY n. the quality of being immense.
IMMIGRATINGimmigrating v. Present participle of immigrate.
IMMIGRATE v. to migrate into a country with the intention of settling in it.
IMMIGRATIONimmigration n. The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country of which one is not native born for the…
immigration n. The process of going through immigration checks at a border checkpoint.
IMMIGRATION n. the act or process of immigrating.
IMMINUTIONSimminutions n. Plural of imminution.
IMMINUTION n. a lessening, a decrease.
IMMITIGABLEimmitigable adj. That cannot be mitigated.
IMMITIGABLE adj. that cannot be mitigated.
IMMITIGABLYimmitigably adv. In an immitigable manner.
IMMITIGABLE adv. that cannot be mitigated.
LEGITIMISMSlegitimisms n. Plural of legitimism.
LEGITIMISM n. adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
MEDIUMISTICmediumistic adj. Of or pertaining to mediums (people claiming to contact the dead); relating to or having the ability…
MEDIUMISTIC adj. of, relating to, or having the qualities of a spiritualistic medium.
MILITARISMSmilitarisms n. Plural of militarism.
MILITARISM n. reliance on military force in administering government.
MINIMALISTSminimalists n. Plural of minimalist.
MINIMALIST n. one who makes do with as little as possible.
MINISTERIUMministerium n. An association of ministers from various religious groups who come together to work for a specific purpose…
MINISTERIUM n. (Latin) a ministry.
PRIMITIVISMprimitivism n. The state or quality of being primitive.
primitivism n. The opinion that life was better or more moral among primitive peoples, or among children, and has deteriorated…
primitivism n. Any of a group of related styles in the arts, influenced by a belief in the superiority of primitive forms.
TRIDOMINIUMtridominium n. A tripartite condominium (joint sovereignty over territory), one involving three sovereign powers.
TRIDOMINIUM n. (Latin) threefold rule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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