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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing I, S, T, 2U and V

MULTIVIOUSmultivious adj. Having many paths or roads.
MULTIVIOUS adj. leading in many directions; offering many different paths.
PURSUIVANTpursuivant n. (Archaic) A follower.
pursuivant n. (Heraldry) A functionary of lower rank than a herald, but discharging similar duties; called also pursuivant…
pursuivant n. (Freemasonry) A Grand Lodge Officer who guards the inner door during a meeting of the Grand Lodge.
SUBSULTIVEsubsultive adj. Moving in bounds or leaps; subsultory.
SUBSULTIVE adj. moving by sudden leaps or starts; twitching, also SUBSULTORY.
ULTRAVIRUSultravirus n. A filterable virus.
ULTRAVIRUS n. a virus small enough to pass through the finest filter.
UNVIRTUOUSunvirtuous adj. Not virtuous; having no virtue.
UNVIRTUOUS adj. not virtuous.
USURPATIVEusurpative adj. That usurps.
USURPATIVE adj. relating to usurpation.
UVULITISESUVULITIS n. inflammation of the uvula.
VELUTINOUSvelutinous adj. Having a layer of soft short hairs, like velvet.
VELUTINOUS adj. velvety, covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.
VESTIBULUMvestibulum n. (Zootomy) A cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
vestibulum n. (Anatomy) The vestibule of the ear.
VESTIBULUM n. (Latin) a cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
VIRTUOUSLYvirtuously adv. In a virtuous manner.
VIRTUOUS adv. characterized by virtue, also VERTUOUS.
VULTURISMSvulturisms n. Plural of vulturism.
VULTURISM n. (Carlyle) the state of being like a vulture; rapacity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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