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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing I, 3S, U and V

DISCUSSIVEdiscussive n. (Medicine, dated) A medicine that discusses or disperses morbid humours; a discutient.
discussive adj. (Medicine, dated) Able or tending to discuss, or disperse, tumors or coagulated matter.
discussive adj. (Dated) Doubt-dispelling; decisive.
DISSUASIVEdissuasive adj. Tending to dissuade, or divert from a measure or purpose; dehortatory.
dissuasive n. That which dissuades; a disincentive.
DISSUASIVE adj. tending to dissuade.
OSSIVOROUSossivorous adj. Bone-eating; of an animal, given to chewing on bones.
OSSIVOROUS adj. feeding on bones.
OVERISSUESoverissues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overissue.
OVERISSUE v. to issue in excess (e.g. banknotes or bills of exchange).
SCURVINESSscurviness n. The quality or state of being scurvy; vileness; meanness.
SCURVINESS n. the state of being scurvy.
SUBMISSIVEsubmissive adj. Meekly obedient or passive.
submissive n. (BDSM) One who submits to a dominant partner in BDSM practices.
submissive n. (Rare) One who submits.
SUBVIRUSESsubviruses n. Plural of subvirus.
SUBVIRUS n. a viral protein smaller than a virus.
SUCCESSIVEsuccessive adj. Coming one after the other in a series.
successive adj. Of, or relating to a succession; hereditary.
successive adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to the grammatical aspect which presupposes the completion of a secondary action…
SUCCUSSIVEsuccussive adj. Characterized by a shaking motion, especially an up-and-down movement, and not merely tremulous oscillation.
SUCCUSSIVE adj. characterized by a shaking motion, esp. an up and down movement.
SUPERVISESsupervises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supervise.
SUPERVISE v. to oversee, superintend.
SUSPENSIVEsuspensive adj. (Chiefly law) That suspends (temporarily stops).
suspensive adj. Characterized by suspense; suspenseful.
SUSPENSIVE adj. tending to suspend, or to keep in suspense.
VISUALISESvisualises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of visualise.
VISUALISE v. to call up a clear visual image, also VISUALIZE.
VISUALISTSvisualists n. Plural of visualist.
VISUALIST n. a visualizer, a visile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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