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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, O, P, R, U and Y

DYSPROSIUMdysprosium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Dy) with atomic number 66: a rare earth element with a metallic silver lustre.
DYSPROSIUM n. a rare-earth metal used in nuclear research.
OUTPRAYINGoutpraying v. Present participle of outpray.
OUTPRAY v. to surpass in praying.
PERIGYNOUSperigynous adj. (Botany) Having the stamens, petals or sepals situated around the ovary (especially, on the rim of the…
perigynous adj. (Botany) Having a hypanthium.
PERIGYNOUS adj. of a flower, having the perianth and stamens inserted on a flat or cup-shaped structure which arises below, and is not fused to, the ovary.
PERILOUSLYperilously adv. In a perilous manner.
PERVIOUSLYperviously adv. In a pervious manner.
PERVIOUS adv. capable of being penetrated.
PLAUDITORYplauditory adj. Applauding; commending.
PLAUDITORY adj. issuing enthusiastic approval or applause.
POLYPARIUMpolyparium n. (Biology) The stem, or supporting structure, of any colonial cnidarian such as coral.
POLYPARIUM n. the framework and base of a polyp colony, esp. coral, also POLYPARY.
POPULARITYpopularity n. The quality or state of being popular; especially, the state of being esteemed by, or of being in favor…
popularity n. (Archaic) The quality or state of being adapted or pleasing to common, poor, or vulgar people.
popularity n. (Archaic) Something which obtains, or is intended to obtain, the favor of the vulgar; claptrap.
PRECIOUSLYpreciously adv. In a precious manner.
PRECIOUS adv. valuable.
PREVIOUSLYpreviously adv. (Now archaic, with present-tense constructions) First; beforehand, in advance.
previously adv. (With past-tense constructions) At an earlier time.
previously adv. (Television) Recapitulating the preceding episodes of a series.
PROFUNDITYprofundity n. The state of being profound or abstruse.
profundity n. A great depth.
profundity n. Deep intellect or insight.
PUROMYCINSpuromycins n. Plural of puromycin.
PUROMYCIN n. a type of antibiotic.
PYROLUSITEpyrolusite n. (Mineralogy) A dark coloured mineral, consisting of manganese dioxide (MnO2), that is an important ore…
PYROLUSITE n. native manganese dioxide, a black or dark-grey tetragonal mineral with a metallic lustre.
SPURIOSITYspuriosity n. (Rare) Spuriousness.
spuriosity n. (Rare) That which is spurious; something false or illegitimate.
SPURIOSITY n. the state of being spurious.
SPURIOUSLYspuriously adv. In a spurious manner.
SPURIOUS adv. not genuine.
SUPERIORLYsuperiorly adv. (Anatomy, medicine) above; in a superior position.
superiorly adv. In a superior manner.
SUPERIOR adv. of higher rank, quality, or authority than another.
URINOSCOPYurinoscopy n. Diagnostic inspection of a patient’s urine.
URINOSCOPY n. the diagnosis of diseases by inspection of urine.
UROPYGIUMSUROPYGIUM n. the rump of a bird which supports the tail feathers.
VIPEROUSLYviperously adv. In a viperous manner.
VIPEROUS adv. having the qualities of a viper; venomous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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