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There are 17 ten-letter words containing I, N, O, Q, R and U

AQUAPORINSaquaporins n. Plural of aquaporin.
AQUAPORIN n. any of a group of proteins in a cell membrane that allow the passage of water across the membrane.
CHLOROQUINCHLOROQUIN n. a drug used to suppress malaria, also CHLOROQUINE.
CONQUERINGconquering n. Gerund of conquer: an act of conquest.
conquering v. Present participle of conquer.
CONQUER v. to overcome by force.
CROQUETINGcroqueting v. Present participle of croquet.
CROQUET v. to play a game with balls, mallets and hoops.
INQUIRENDOinquirendo n. (Law) An authority to inquire.
INQUIRENDO n. the authority to inquire into something e.g. for the benefit of the Crown.
INQUISITORinquisitor n. A person who inquires, especially searchingly or ruthlessly.
inquisitor n. (Historical) An official of the ecclesiastical court of the Inquisition.
INQUISITOR n. one who inquires or makes inquisition.
ORTANIQUESortaniques n. Plural of ortanique.
ORTANIQUE n. (French) a cross between an orange and a tangerine.
QUADRICONEquadricone n. (Geometry) A quadric cone.
QUADRICONE n. a quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base.
QUARTATIONquartation n. (Chemistry, archaic) The act, process, or result (in the process of parting) of alloying a button of…
QUARTATION n. mixing one part gold with three parts silver prior to purifying it.
QUATERNIONquaternion n. A group or set of four people or things.
quaternion n. A word of four syllables.
quaternion n. (Mathematics) A type of four-dimensional hypercomplex number consisting of a real part and three imaginary…
QUATORZAINquatorzain n. A poem or stanza consisting of fourteen lines.
QUATORZAIN n. a poem of fourteen lines; a sonnet.
QUERCITRONquercitron n. A yellow dye obtained from the bark of the black oak.
quercitron n. The black oak tree, Quercus velutina, indigenous to North America.
QUERCITRON n. a North American oak, the dyer's oak; its inner bark, a source of quercetin and flavin.
QUESTIONERquestioner n. A person who asks questions, or who conducts an official enquiry.
QUESTIONER n. one who asks questions.
QUICKTHORNquickthorn n. The may-tree, any species of Crataegus or the species Crataegus monogyna.
QUICKTHORN n. hawthorn.
REQUOYLINGREQUOYLE v. (Shakespeare) to recoil.
TOURNIQUETtourniquet n. (Medicine) A tightly-compressed bandage used to stop bleeding by stopping the flow of blood through…
tourniquet n. Any of several similar methods of clamping components into position.
tourniquet n. (Obsolete) A turnstile.
UNLIQUOREDunliquored adj. Not intoxicated; sober.
unliquored adj. (Obsolete) Not moistened or wet with liquor; dry.
UNLIQUORED adj. (Milton) not in liquor, sober.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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