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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing I, 3N and 2S

CONSENSIONconsension n. (Archaic) agreement; accord.
CONSENSION n. agreement; accord.
INNATENESSinnateness n. The condition of being innate.
INNATENESS n. the quality of being innate.
INSANENESSinsaneness n. Insanity; madness.
INSANENESS n. insanity, madness.
INTENSIONSintensions n. Plural of intension.
INTENSION n. the state of being stretched; as, the intension of a musical string.
INTENTNESSintentness n. The condition of being intent.
INTENTNESS n. the state of being intent.
NONINSECTSnoninsects n. Plural of noninsect.
NONINSECT n. a creature that is not an insect.
NONSALINESSorry, definition not available.
NONSIGNERSnonsigners n. Plural of nonsigner.
NONSIGNER n. one who does not sign.
ONIONSKINSonionskins n. Plural of onionskin.
onion␣skins n. Plural of onion skin.
ONIONSKIN n. a very thin variety of paper.
SANNYASINSsannyasins n. Plural of sannyasin.
SANNYASIN n. (Hindi) a Hindu ascetic or hermit who lives by begging, also SANNYASI, SANYASI.
SHINKANSENshinkansen n. (Rail transport) A Japanese high-speed passenger train; bullet train.
SINNINGIASsinningias n. Plural of sinningia.
SINNINGIA n. one of a family of Brazilian plants that includes gloxinia.
SKINNINESSskinniness n. The property of being skinny.
SKINNINESS n. the state of being skinny.
TENNESSINEtennessine n. The chemical element (halogen) with atomic number 117.
TENNESSINE n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
UNKINDNESSunkindness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being unkind.
unkindness n. (Countable) An unkind act.
unkindness n. (Countable) The collective noun for ravens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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