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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing I, M, P, 2R and U

ERIOPHORUMEriophorum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyperaceae – cottongrass, found in acidic bogs, especially in the Arctic.
ERIOPHORUM n. a plant of the cotton-grass genus.
IMPORTUNERimportuner n. One who importunes.
IMPORTUNER n. one who importunes.
IMPRESSUREimpressure n. (Obsolete) dent; impression.
IMPRESSURE n. (archaic) an impression.
IMPRIMATURimprimatur n. (Printing) An official license to publish or print something, especially when censorship applies.
imprimatur n. (By extension) Any mark of official approval.
IMPRIMATUR n. (Latin) a license to print or publish, esp. one issued by a censor of the Roman Catholic Church.
OPPROBRIUMopprobrium n. (Countable, archaic) A cause, object, or situation of disgrace or shame.
opprobrium n. (Uncountable).
OPPROBRIUM n. something that brings disgrace; infamy, contempt.
PERFUMIERSperfumiers n. Plural of perfumier.
PERFUMIER n. one who prepares perfumes, also PERFUMER.
PRAEMUNIREpraemunire n. (Law, now historical) The offence in English law of bringing suit in or obeying a foreign (especially…
praemunire n. The writ charging a person with this offence, the writ of praemunire facias.
praemunire n. (In extended use) Any of a number of criminal offences incurring similar penalties to the original offence…
PRAETORIUMpraetorium n. Alternative form of pretorium.
prætorium n. Alternative form of pretorium.
PRAETORIUM n. the court or palace of the governor of a Roman province.
PRESURMISEpresurmise n. A surmise previously formed.
PRESURMISE n. (Shakespeare) a surmise previously formed.
PRIMORDIUMprimordium n. (Anatomy) An aggregation of cells that is the first stage in the development of an organ.
PRIMORDIUM n. (Latin) the first discernible rudiment.
PUERPERIUMpuerperium n. (Obstetrics) The period of time lasting around a month immediately following childbirth, when the mother’s…
PUERPERIUM n. (Latin) the condition immediately following childbirth.
SPERMARIUMSPERMARIUM n. the male germ gland, also SPERMARY.
SUPERFIRMSsuperfirms n. Plural of superfirm.
SUPERFIRM n. a large firm.
SUPERMICROsupermicro n. (Dated) A powerful microcomputer.
SUPERMICRO n. a very small micro computer.
TRIUMPHERStriumphers n. Plural of triumpher.
TRIUMPHER n. one who was honored with a triumph; a victor.
TRIUMPHERYTRIUMPHERY n. (Shakespeare) a triumvir.
TRUMPERIEStrumperies n. Plural of trumpery.
TRUMPERY n. worthless finery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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