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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing I, 2M, S and 2T

AUTOMATISMautomatism n. Acting automatically or involuntarily.
automatism n. The power of initiating vital processes from within the cell, organ, or organism, independent of external stimulus.
automatism n. The doctrine that animals are automata, operating according to mechanical laws.
COMMITTALScommittals n. Plural of committal.
COMMITTAL n. the act of committing e.g. to trial.
COMMITTEEScommittees n. Plural of committee.
COMMITTEE n. a group selected from a more numerous body (or the whole body) to which some special business is committed.
COMMITTERScommitters n. Plural of committer.
COMMITTER n. one who commits.
GRAMMATISTgrammatist n. (Historical) A teacher of prose literature and letters in Ancient Greece.
grammatist n. A grammarian.
GRAMMATIST n. a petty grammarian.
IMMATURESTimmaturest adj. Superlative form of immature: most immature.
IMMATURE adj. not mature.
METALSMITHmetalsmith n. A craftsman fashioning objects such as tools or works of art out of various metals; one who engages in metalsmithing.
METALSMITH n. a smith working in metal.
MIGMATITESmigmatites n. Plural of migmatite.
MIGMATITE n. a type of rock containing igneous and metamorphic elements.
MITTIMUSESmittimuses n. Plural of mittimus.
MITTIMUS n. (Latin) a warrant committing a person to prison.
REMITMENTSremitments n. Plural of remitment.
REMITMENT n. the act of remitting, also REMITTAL.
STIGMATISMstigmatism n. (Optics) Image-formation property of an optical system which focuses a single point source in object…
stigmatism n. (Medicine) Normal eyesight, anastigmatic state.
stigmatism n. (Pathology) State of having stigmata.
STIMPMETERStimpmeter n. (Golf) A device that measures the speed of a golf course’s putting green by applying a known force to…
STIMPMETER n. a device that measures the speed of a putting green by propelling a golf ball down a ramp at a standard initial velocity and measuring how far it travels.
THRUMMIESTTHRUMMY adj. made of or like thrums, that is, ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
TIMESTAMPStimestamps n. Plural of timestamp.
timestamps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of timestamp.
time-stamps n. Plural of time-stamp.
TRAUMATISMtraumatism n. A physical or mental injury that is the result of trauma.
TRAUMATISM n. a condition caused by a wound, shock.
ULTIMATUMSultimatums n. Plural of ultimatum.
ULTIMATUM n. (Latin) a last offer, or demand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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