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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, 2M, 2O and T

COMMIXTIONcommixtion n. (Obsolete) The action of mixing or blending together; commingling.
commixtion n. (Obsolete) The blending (Of wines, etc.); garbling.
commixtion n. (Obsolete) coition; copulation; sexual intercourse.
COMMOTIONScommotions n. Plural of commotion.
COMMOTION n. a violent motion or moving.
HOMONYMITYhomonymity n. The condition of being a homonym.
HOMONYMITY n. the state of being homonymous, having the same name or designation.
IMMOLATIONimmolation n. The act of immolating, or the state of being immolated, or sacrificed.
immolation n. That which is immolated; a sacrifice.
IMMOLATION n. the act of immolating, or the state of being immolated, or sacrificed.
IMMOLATORSimmolators n. Plural of immolator.
IMMOLATOR n. one who offers in sacrifice; specifically, one of a sect of Russian fanatics who practice self-mutilation and sacrifice.
IMMUNOBLOTimmunoblot n. A blot used in western blot analysis.
immunoblot v. To perform such an analysis.
IMMUNOBLOT n. a technique used in biology to transfer a pattern of proteins.
METRONOMICmetronomic adj. Regular, periodic and repetitive, like a metronome.
METRONOMIC adj. of or like a metronome, also METRONOMICAL.
MICROMORTSmicromorts n. Plural of micromort.
MICROMORT n. a unit of risk equal to a one in a million chance of dying.
MICROTOMESmicrotomes n. Plural of microtome.
MICROTOME n. an instrument used to cut very small sections of something.
MICROTOMICmicrotomic adj. Relating to the microtome or microtomy.
MICROTOMIC adj. of or like a microtome, also MICROTOMICAL.
MONOATOMICmonoatomic adj. Alternative form of monatomic.
MONOATOMIC adj. of a molecule, consisting of one atom only, also MONATOMIC.
MONOGAMISTmonogamist n. A person who practices monogamy.
MONOGAMIST n. one who practices or upholds monogamy.
MONOMETRICmonometric adj. (Poetry) Of or pertaining to a monometer.
monometric adj. (Poetry) Involving only one meter.
monometric adj. (Crystallography) isometric.
MONOTHEISMmonotheism n. The belief in a single deity (one god or goddess); especially within an organized religion.
monotheism n. The belief that God is one person (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), not three persons (Trinitarianism, Hinduism).
mono-theism n. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of monotheism.
MORATORIUMmoratorium n. (Law) An authorization to a debtor, permitting temporary suspension of payments.
moratorium n. A suspension of an ongoing activity.
MORATORIUM n. a legal authorization to a debtor to postpone payment for a certain time; the period of such a postponement.
OSMOMETRICosmometric adj. Relating to osmometry.
OSMOMETRIC adj. relating to osmometry.
OVERCOMMITovercommit v. To make excessive commitments, either beyond one’s ability or beyond what is reasonable.
overcommit n. (Computing) Allocation of more resources than are actually available.
OVERCOMMIT v. to commit excessively.
PROSTOMIUMprostomium n. (Zoology) That portion of the head of an annelid situated in front of the mouth.
PROSTOMIUM n. that portion of the head of an annelid situated in front of the mouth.
VOMITORIUMvomitorium n. A passage located behind a tier of seats in an amphitheatre used as an exit for the crowds.
vomitorium n. (See Usage notes) An area in which vomiting takes place, in particular a chamber supposedly used by…
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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