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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, 2O and U

FILOPODIUMfilopodium n. (Cytology) A slender cytoplasmic projection which extends from the leading edge of a migrating cell.
FILOPODIUM n. a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm.
FIMICOLOUSfimicolous adj. Inhabiting dung.
FIMICOLOUS adj. living in or growing in animal excrement.
INSOMNIOUSinsomnious adj. Restless; sleepless.
INSOMNIOUS adj. restless; sleepless.
JOLIOTIUMSJOLIOTIUM n. a former name for the element dubnium.
LIMICOLOUSlimicolous adj. (Zoology) That lives in mud.
LIMICOLOUS adj. living in mud, usually applied to birds or worms.
LIMIVOROUSlimivorous adj. Eating mud or soil for organic matter in it.
LIMIVOROUS adj. feeding on mud.
MOLIMINOUSmoliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Momentous, weighty.
moliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Laborious, involving or exerting great effort; arduous.
MOLIMINOUS adj. massive; laborious.
MOLLITIOUSmollitious adj. (Obsolete) sensuous or luxurious.
MOLLITIOUS adj. softening; voluptuous.
VOMITORIUMvomitorium n. A passage located behind a tier of seats in an amphitheatre used as an exit for the crowds.
vomitorium n. (See Usage notes) An area in which vomiting takes place, in particular a chamber supposedly used by…
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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