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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2I, L, R, U and V

FLAVIVIRUSflavivirus n. Any arbovirus of the genus Flavivirus, many of which are transmitted by ticks or mosquitos.
Flavivirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Flaviviridae – RNA viruses, mostly having arthropod vectors, which…
FLAVIVIRUS n. a virus of the Flaviridae family, which includes the virus responsible for yellow fever.
LAURVIKITELAURVIKITE n. a mineral, a soda syenite, also LARVIKITE.
LENTIVIRUSlentivirus n. Any of a group of retroviruses, of the genus Lentivirus, which have long incubation periods.
Lentivirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Retroviridae – certain retroviruses.
LENTIVIRUS n. any of a group of retroviruses producing illnesses characterized by a delay in the onset of symptoms after infection.
LIMIVOROUSlimivorous adj. Eating mud or soil for organic matter in it.
LIMIVOROUS adj. feeding on mud.
POLIOVIRUSpoliovirus n. A human enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family that causes poliomyelitis.
POLIOVIRUS n. a virus causing polio.
QUADRIVIALquadrivial n. Any of the four "liberal arts" making up the quadrivium.
quadrivial adj. Having four ways meeting in a point.
QUADRIVIAL adj. leading in four directions; concerning a four-way junction.
SURVEILINGsurveiling v. Present participle of surveil.
SURVEIL v. to watch closely, also SURVEILLE.
TRIUMVIRALtriumviral adj. Of or belonging to the triumviri or the triumvirate.
TRIUMVIRAL adj. of a like a triumvir.
VENTRICULIventriculi n. Plural of ventriculus.
VENTRICULUS n. a ventricle, also VENTRICULE.
VIRTUALISEvirtualise v. Alternative spelling of virtualize.
VIRTUALISE v. to make virtual, also VIRTUALIZE.
VIRTUALISMvirtualism n. Virtuality.
virtualism n. (Christianity) The view, believed to have been held by Calvin and other church reformers contrary to…
VIRTUALISM n. the doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.
VIRTUALISTvirtualist n. (Religion) One who supports the doctrine of virtualism.
virtualist n. (Art, computing) An artist who specializes in art on the Internet or in virtual reality.
VIRTUALIST n. one who believes in virtualism, the doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.
VIRTUALITYvirtuality n. A state of being virtual.
virtuality n. The quality of being virtual; virtualness.
VIRTUALITY n. the state of being virtual.
VIRTUALIZEvirtualize v. (Transitive, computing) To run a program in virtual storage.
virtualize v. (Transitive, computing) To simulate (or make virtual) some effect or condition on a computer.
virtualize v. (Transitive, art) To make or conform to a virtual reality.
VISUALISERvisualiser n. Alternative form of visualizer.
VISUALISER n. one who visualises, also VISUALIZER.
VISUALIZERvisualizer n. Someone who visualizes; especially someone whose mental imagery is visual.
visualizer n. That which provides a visualization.
visualizer n. (Music) A video accompanying a song, usually simpler than a typical music video, intended to be a visual…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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