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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2I, L, O, P and V

EXPLOITIVEexploitive adj. Exploitative: taking advantage of someone.
EXPLOITIVE adj. serving to exploit, also EXPLOITATIVE.
IMPLOSIVESimplosives n. Plural of implosive.
IMPLOSIVE n. an implosive consonant.
ISOPLUVIALISOPLUVIAL n. a line on a map connecting places registering the same amount of precipitation or rainfall.
OPPILATIVEoppilative adj. (Obsolete) Obstructive.
oppilative n. (Obsolete) A medicine that obstructs, or closes the pores.
OPPILATIVE adj. obstructive.
PAVILIONEDpavilioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pavilion.
pavilioned adj. Having a pavilion.
PAVILION v. to cover with a large tent.
POLIOVIRUSpoliovirus n. A human enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family that causes poliomyelitis.
POLIOVIRUS n. a virus causing polio.
POSITIVELYpositively adv. (Manner) In a positive manner.
positively adv. (Modal) With certainty.
positively adv. Absolutely; utterly.
PROCLIVITYproclivity n. A predisposition or natural inclination, propensity, or a predilection; especially, a strong disposition or bent.
PROCLIVITY n. an inclination or predisposition toward something.
PROVINCIALprovincial adj. Of or pertaining to a province.
provincial adj. Constituting a province.
provincial adj. Exhibiting the ways or manners of a province; characteristic of the inhabitants of a province.
PULVILLIOSpulvillios n. Plural of pulvillio.
PULVILLIO n. (historical) perfumed powder; snuff, also PULVIL, PULVILIO, PULVILLE.
SPOILFIVESSPOILFIVE n. a certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.
SPOLIATIVEspoliative adj. Serving to take away, diminish, or rob.
SPOLIATIVE adj. tending to spoil, also SPOLIATORY.
VIDEOPHILEvideophile n. A connoisseur of video, particularly one who values high-definition and otherwise high-quality video.
videophile n. A fan of video games.
VIDEOPHILE n. a lover of videos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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