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There are 15 words containing I, N, S, W and X

WAXINGSwaxings n. Plural of waxing.
WAXING n. the act of one that waxes.
COXSWAINcoxswain n. In a ship’s boat, the helmsman given charge of the boat’s crew.
coxswain n. (Rowing) The member of a crew who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers.
coxswain n. (Archaic) The second or third mate of a vessel, in charge of the master’s barge.
MIXDOWNSmixdowns n. Plural of mixdown.
MIXDOWN n. mixing a multitrack recording down to just stereo.
SWINEPOXswinepox n. A disease of pigs, caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae and the genus Suipoxvirus.
swinepox n. (Medicine, obsolete) A form of chickenpox, with acuminated vesicles containing a watery fluid; the waterpox.
SWINEPOX n. a disease of swine.
WAXINESSwaxiness n. The quality of being waxy.
WAXINESS n. the quality of being waxy.
WAXWINGSwaxwings n. Plural of waxwing.
WAXWING n. a member of a genus of passerine birds, which have red waxlike tips to the inner wing feathers.
COXSWAINScoxswains n. Plural of coxswain.
COXSWAIN v. to steer a racing rowboat, also COX.
FLEXWINGSflexwings n. Plural of flexwing.
FLEXWING n. a collapsible fabric wing used in hang gliding.
WRAXLINGSWRAXLING n. the act of wrestling.
BEESWAXINGbeeswaxing v. Present participle of beeswax.
BEESWAX v. to polish with the wax of bees.
COXSWAINEDcoxswained v. Simple past tense and past participle of coxswain.
COXSWAIN v. to steer a racing rowboat, also COX.
SWINEPOXESSWINEPOX n. a disease of swine.
WAXINESSESWAXINESS n. the quality of being waxy.
COXSWAININGcoxswaining v. Present participle of coxswain.
COXSWAIN v. to steer a racing rowboat, also COX.
SHADOWBOXINGshadowboxing n. A form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent.
shadowboxing v. Present participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxing v. Present participle of shadow-box.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 181 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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