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There are 14 words containing I, 2L and 2Z

BEDAZZLINGLYbedazzlingly adv. So as to bedazzle; stunningly bright or glamorous.
BLIZZARDLYblizzardly adj. (Dated) Resembling or characteristic of a blizzard.
BLIZZARDLY adj. like a blizzard.
BUZZKILLbuzzkill n. (Slang) Something that or someone who spoils an otherwise enjoyable event.
buzzkill n. (Slang) A person who attends a social event and occupies his or her time with unsociable activities.
BUZZKILL n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILLER.
BUZZKILLERBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
BUZZKILLERSBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
BUZZKILLSbuzzkills n. Plural of buzzkill.
BUZZKILL n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILLER.
DAZZLINGLYdazzlingly adv. In a dazzling manner.
DAZZLING adv. blindingly bright.
DRIZZLINGLYdrizzlingly adv. With drizzle, or light rain.
DRIZZLING adv. DRIZZLE, to rain lightly.
PIZZELLEpizzelle n. Plural of pizzella.
PIZZELLE n. (Italian) a thin, crisp Italian cookie.
PIZZELLESPIZZELLE n. (Italian) a thin, crisp Italian cookie.
PUZZLINGLYpuzzlingly adv. In a puzzling manner.
PUZZLING adv. PUZZLE, to cause uncertainty and indecision in.
QUIZZICALLYquizzically adv. In a quizzical manner; as if puzzled or asking a question.
QUIZZICAL adv. mocking, questioning.
SIZZLINGLYsizzlingly adv. In a sizzling manner.
SIZZLING adv. very hot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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