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There are 16 words containing I, 2K, N and W

KICKDOWNkickdown n. (Automotive) In a vehicle with automatic transmission, a downshift triggered by pressing down the throttle pedal.
kick-down n. Alternative form of kickdown.
kick␣down v. To break or demolish something by physical bodily force.
LINKWORKlinkwork n. A fabric made from linked pieces of metal.
linkwork n. A mechanism of linked components.
LINKWORK n. a fabric consisting of links made of metal or other material fastened together.
KICKDOWNSkickdowns n. Plural of kickdown.
kick-downs n. Plural of kick-down.
KICKDOWN n. a method of changing gear in a car with automatic transmission, by pressing the accelerator pedal right down.
KIDDYWINKkiddywink n. (Informal) A child.
KIDDYWINK n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINK, KIDDIEWINKIE.
LINKWORKSlinkworks n. Plural of linkwork.
LINKWORK n. a fabric consisting of links made of metal or other material fastened together.
KIDDIEWINKkiddiewink n. Alternative form of kiddywink.
KIDDIEWINK n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINKIE, KIDDYWINK.
KIDDYWINKSkiddywinks n. Plural of kiddywink.
KIDDYWINK n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINK, KIDDIEWINKIE.
CAKEWALKINGcakewalking v. Present participle of cakewalk.
CAKEWALK v. to step stylishly.
DUCKWALKINGduckwalking v. Present participle of duckwalk.
duck␣walking v. Present participle of duck walk.
DUCKWALK v. to do a comic walk, like a duck's.
KIDDIEWINKSkiddiewinks n. Plural of kiddiewink.
KIDDIEWINK n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINKIE, KIDDYWINK.
WORKMANLIKEworkmanlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a workman.
workmanlike adj. Done competently but without flair.
workmanlike adj. Performed with the skill of an artisan or craftsman. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
KIDDIEWINKIEkiddiewinkie n. (Informal) A child.
KIDDIEWINKIE n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINK, KIDDYWINK.
WALKINGSTICKwalkingstick n. Alternative form of walking stick.
walking-stick n. Alternative spelling of walking stick.
walking␣stick n. A tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking.
KIDDIEWINKIESkiddiewinkies n. Plural of kiddiewinkie.
KIDDIEWINKIE n. (facetious) a child, also KIDDIEWINK, KIDDYWINK.
UNWORKMANLIKEunworkmanlike adj. Not workmanlike.
UNWORKMANLIKE adj. not workmanlike.
WALKINGSTICKSwalkingsticks n. Plural of walkingstick.
walking-sticks n. Plural of walking-stick.
walking␣sticks n. Plural of walking stick.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 335 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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