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There are 20 words containing 2I, K, P and W

KIWISPORTSKIWISPORTS n. outdoor sports associated with New Zealand.
PERIWINKLEperiwinkle n. Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Vinca with blue or white flowers.
periwinkle n. Similar plants of genus Catharanthus.
periwinkle n. A color with bluish and purplish hues, somewhat light.
PERIWINKLESperiwinkles n. Plural of periwinkle.
PERIWINKLE n. a creeping plant with blue flowers, also PENNYWINKLE.
PICKWICKPickwick prop.n. A surname.
PICKWICK n. a device for raising wicks in oil lamps.
PICKWICKSPICKWICK n. a device for raising wicks in oil lamps.
PIKEMINNOWpikeminnow n. The squawfish.
PIKEMINNOWSpikeminnows n. Plural of pikeminnow.
PILLIWINKSpilliwinks n. (Chiefly Scotland, historical) A torture device for squeezing the fingers; a thumbscrew.
PILLIWINKS n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE, PINNYWINKLE.
PILNIEWINKSpilnie-winks n. (Historical) An ancient form of torture for the fingers.
PILNIEWINKS n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNIEWINKLEPINNIEWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNIEWINKLESPINNIEWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNYWINKLEPINNYWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE.
PINNYWINKLESpinnywinkles n. Alternative form of pilliwinks.
PINNYWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE.
SHIPWRECKINGshipwrecking v. Present participle of shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK v. to undergo shipwreck.
WHIPLIKEwhiplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a whip; long, thin, and flexible, or flagellatory.
WHIPLIKE adj. resembling a whip.
WICKIUPwickiup n. A domed hut, similar to a wigwam, used by some semi-nomadic Native American tribes, particularly in…
WICKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKYUP, WIKIUP.
WICKIUPSwickiups n. Plural of wickiup.
WICKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKYUP, WIKIUP.
WIKIUPwikiup n. Alternative spelling of wickiup.
WIKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKIUP, WICKYUP.
WIKIUPSwikiups n. Plural of wikiup.
WIKIUP n. (Native American) a North American Indian hut constructed with an oval frame and covered with grass or mats, also WICKIUP, WICKYUP.
WISPLIKEwisplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a wisp.
WISPLIKE adj. resembling a small bundle, also WISPY, WISPISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 307 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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