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There are 11 words containing 2I and 3K

KAKARIKIkakariki n. A parakeet of New Zealand, genus Cyanoramphus.
KAKARIKI n. (Maori) a green-feathered New Zealand parrot.
KAKARIKISkakarikis n. Plural of kakariki.
KAKARIKI n. (Maori) a green-feathered New Zealand parrot.
KILLIKINICKkillikinick n. Alternative form of kinnikinnick.
KILLIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINICKkinnikinick n. Alternative form of kinnikinnick.
KINNIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINNICK.
KOLKHOZNIKIkolkhozniki n. Plural of kolkhoznik.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
ANTIKICKBACKantikickback adj. Serving to counter kickbacks (illicit payments); antibribery.
antikickback adj. Serving to prevent kickbacks (accidents with machinery).
ANTIKICKBACK adj. opposed to kickbacks.
KILLIKINICKSKILLIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINICKSKINNIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINNICKkinnikinnick n. A mixture of bark, dried leaves, and often berries and/or tobacco, which is smoked.
kinnikinnick n. Any of the plants whose berries, leaves or bark are used in this mixture.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.
KINNIKINNICKSkinnikinnicks n. Plural of kinnikinnick.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
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