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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing I, O, T, U and X

ABOITEAUXaboiteaux n. Plural of aboiteau.
ABOITEAU n. (French) a tide gate, also ABOIDEAU.
AUTOTOXICautotoxic adj. Toxic to itself; having the nature of an autotoxin.
AUTOTOXIC adj. like an autotoxin, a poisonous substance formed within the body within which it acts.
AUTOTOXINautotoxin n. Any substance that is toxic to the organism in which it is generated.
AUTOTOXIN n. a poisonous substance formed within the body within which it acts.
AUXOTONICauxotonic adj. (Botany) Relating to plant movement classified by growth as opposed to mature reactions to exogenous…
auxotonic adj. (Physiology) Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle…
AUXOTONIC adj. of muscle contraction, occurring against increasing force.
EXECUTIONexecution n. The act, manner or style of executing (actions, maneuvers, performances).
execution n. The state of being accomplished.
execution n. The act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty, or actions so associated.
EXONUMISTexonumist n. (Rare) Someone who collects exonumia.
EXONUMIST n. a collector of medals and tokens.
EXTRUSIONextrusion n. A manufacturing process where a billet of material is pushed and/or drawn through a die to create a…
extrusion n. An item formed by the process of extrusion.
EXTRUSION n. the act of extruding.
EXUDATIONexudation n. The act or process of exuding.
exudation n. Something that is exuded.
EXUDATION n. the act of exuding.
LUXATIONSluxations n. Plural of luxation.
LUXATION n. the dislocation of an anatomical part.
OUTBOXINGoutboxing v. Present participle of outbox.
OUTBOX v. to surpass in boxing.
OUTFOXINGoutfoxing v. Present participle of outfox.
OUTFOX v. to outwit.
OUTJINXEDOUTJINX v. to surpass in jinxing.
OUTJINXESOUTJINX v. to surpass in jinxing.
QUIXOTISMquixotism n. A form of idealism and delusion which leads to extravagant and absurd undertakings or sacrifices in…
QUIXOTISM n. quixotic principles, character, or practice; a quixotic action, statement, or idea, also QUIXOTRY.
VEXATIOUSvexatious adj. Causing vexation or annoyance; teasing; troublesome.
vexatious adj. (Archaic) Full of trouble or disquiet.
vexatious adj. (Law, of an action) Commenced for the purpose of giving trouble, without due cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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