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There are 17 nine-letter words containing I, M, R, S and X

EXAMINERSexaminers n. Plural of examiner.
EXAMINER n. one that examines.
EXODERMISexodermis n. Hypodermis.
EXODERMIS n. the outer cortex layer of a root.
EXORCISMSexorcisms n. Plural of exorcism.
EXORCISM n. the act of exorcising.
EXORDIUMSexordiums n. Plural of exordium.
EXORDIUM n. (Latin) a beginning.
EXPERTISMexpertism n. A policy of consulting experts.
EXPERTISM n. possession of specific skills, also EXPERTNESS.
EXTREMISMextremism n. Extreme ideas or actions, primarily in politics or religion.
EXTREMISM n. the taking of an extreme position.
EXTREMISTextremist n. A person who holds extreme views, especially one who advocates such views; a radical or fanatic.
extremist adj. Holding extreme views, especially on a political or religious subject.
extremist adj. Of or relating to extremism.
LEXIGRAMSlexigrams n. Plural of lexigram.
LEXIGRAM n. a sign which represents a word.
MARXISANTmarxisant adj. Somewhat Marxist; tending toward Marxism.
MARXISANT adj. (French) of Marxist sympathies.
MAXIDRESSmaxidress n. Alternative form of maxi dress.
MAXIDRESS n. a dress that reaches the ankle.
MAXIMISERmaximiser n. Alternative spelling of maximizer.
MAXIMISER n. one who maximises, also MAXIMIZER.
MIXMASTERmixmaster n. (Music) An expert disk jockey.
mixmaster n. A complex freeway interchange.
MIXMASTER n. a disc jockey.
MYXOVIRUSmyxovirus n. Any of a group of RNA viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae and Paramyxoviridae families.
MYXOVIRUS n. any of a group of related viruses causing influenza, mumps etc.
OVERMIXESovermixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overmix.
OVERMIX v. to mix too much.
OXIMETERSoximeters n. Plural of oximeter.
OXIMETER n. a photoelectric instrument for measuring the oxygen saturation of the blood.
PROXEMICSproxemics n. The study of the effects of the physical distance between people in different cultures and societies.
PROXEMICS n. the study of the human use of physical space in nonverbal communication, esp. the distances that people maintain between themselves and others while interacting.
SUBMATRIXsubmatrix n. (Mathematics) A matrix formed by selecting certain rows and columns from a larger matrix.
SUBMATRIX n. part of a matrix.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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