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There are 18 nine-letter words containing I, M, 2P and U

IMPROMPTUimpromptu adj. Improvised; without prior preparation, planning or rehearsal.
impromptu n. (Music) A short musical composition for an informal occasion often with the character of improvisation…
impromptu n. (By extension) Any composition, musical or otherwise, that is created on the spot without preparation.
IMPURPLEDimpurpled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impurple.
IMPURPLE v. to dye purple, also EMPURPLE.
IMPURPLESimpurples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impurple.
IMPURPLE v. to dye purple, also EMPURPLE.
MICROPUMPmicropump n. A microscale pump.
MICROPUMP n. a miniature pump inserted under the skin to administer a drug.
PAUPERISMpauperism n. The state of being a pauper; poverty.
PAUPERISM n. the state of being a pauper.
PEMPHIGUSpemphigus n. (Pathology) A severe autoimmune skin disease characterized by pustules and painful blisters, and which can be fatal.
PEMPHIGUS n. (Greek) a somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different parts of the body, also PEMPHIX.
PEPONIUMSpeponiums n. Plural of peponium.
PEPONIUM n. a fruit having a fleshy interior and a hard rind, also PEPO, PEPONIDA.
PLUMIPEDSplumipeds n. Plural of plumiped.
PLUMIPED n. a bird with feathered feet.
PLUMPIESTplumpiest adj. Superlative form of plumpy: most plumpy.
PLUMPY adj. (Shakespeare) somewhat plump, also PLUMPIE.
POPULISMSpopulisms n. Plural of populism.
POPULISM n. the political principles and practices of populists.
PULPITUMSpulpitums n. Plural of pulpitum.
PULPITUM n. (Latin) a gigantic stone screen separating a cathedral choir from the nave.
PULPMILLSpulpmills n. Plural of pulpmill.
pulp␣mills n. Plural of pulp mill.
PULPMILL n. a machine for pulping wood.
PUMPKINGSpumpkings n. Plural of pumpking.
PUMPKING n. a person involved in a web-based project who has temporary but exclusive authority to make changes to the master source code.
PUPPYISMSpuppyisms n. Plural of puppyism.
PUPPYISM n. conceit in men.
REPUMPINGrepumping v. Present participle of repump.
repumping n. (Physics) The use of a laser to raise an electron (in an atom or ion etc) back to a previous high state.
REPUMP v. to pump again.
SUPERPIMPsuperpimp n. (Slang) An extremely successful pimp.
SUPERPIMP n. a pimp controlling other pimps.
UPMANSHIPupmanship n. Only used in one-upmanship.
UPMANSHIP n. the art of gaining some kind of advantage over others.
YUPPIEDOMyuppiedom n. (Slang) The condition of being a yuppie.
YUPPIEDOM n. the state of being a yuppie, also YUPPYDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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