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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing I, M, N, T and V

ANTIVENOMantivenom n. (Medicine) A medicine that counteracts venom, an antidote to biological poisons from venomous animals…
ANTIVENOM n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENIN.
AVISEMENTavisement n. Alternative form of advisement.
AVISEMENT n. (Spenser) advisement, also ADVISEMENT, VIZAMENT.
CENTUMVIRcentumvir n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) One of a court of about 100 judges chosen to try civil suits. Under the Empire…
CENTUMVIR n. (Latin) in Rome, one of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits.
DEVILMENTdevilment n. (Uncountable) Devilish action or conduct; wickedness; (more generally) troublemaking behaviour; mischief;…
devilment n. (Countable).
DEVILMENT n. deviltry.
EMANATIVEemanative adj. That emanates, or causes emanation.
EMANATIVE adj. issuing forth; effluent.
MISEVENTSmisevents n. Plural of misevent.
MISEVENT n. a mishap.
NATIVISMSnativisms n. Plural of nativism.
NATIVISM n. the policy of favouring natives of a country.
NORMATIVEnormative adj. Of or pertaining to a norm or standard.
normative adj. Conforming to a norm or norms.
normative adj. Attempting to establish or prescribe a norm.
OUTMOVINGoutmoving v. Present participle of outmove.
OUTMOVE v. to move faster than.
UNMOTIVEDunmotived adj. (Archaic) Without any motive.
UNMOTIVED adj. without a motive.
VERMINATEverminate v. (Intransitive) To breed vermin.
VERMINATE v. to breed vermin.
VESTIMENTvestiment n. (Obsolete) Clothing, clothes, especially ecclesiastical.
VESTIMENT n. (obsolete) vestment, garb.
VIREMENTSvirements n. Plural of virement.
VIREMENT n. (French) in accounting, an authorised transfer of a surplus to balance a deficit under another heading.
VITAMINESvitamines n. Plural of vitamine.
VITAMINE n. an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMIN.
VITAMINICvitaminic adj. Of or pertaining to vitamins.
vitaminic adj. Containing vitamins.
VITAMINIC adj. relating to a vitamin.
VIVAMENTEVIVAMENTE adv. (Italian) in a lively manner.
VIZAMENTSVIZAMENT n. (Shakespeare) advisement, also ADVISEMENT, AVISEMENT.
VOLTINISMvoltinism n. (Biology) The number of broods or generations of an organism in one year.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.
VOMITINGSvomitings n. Plural of vomiting.
VOMITING n. the act of vomiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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