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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing I, 3M and R

MAMMARIESmammaries n. Female breasts; plural of mammary.
MAMMARY n. a breast.
MAMMERINGmammering v. Present participle of mammer.
mammering adj. Hesitating; hesitant; wavering.
MAMMER v. (Shakespeare) to hesitate, stand muttering.
MAMMIFERSmammifers n. Plural of mammifer.
MAMMIFER n. a mammal.
MAMMIFORMmammiform adj. Shaped like a breast.
MAMMIFORM adj. shaped like a breast.
MAMMILLARMAMMILLAR adj. resembling a breast or nipple.
MEMOIRISMmemoirism n. The act or art of writing memoirs.
MEMOIRISM n. the act or art of writing memoirs.
MESMERISMmesmerism n. The method or power of gaining control over someone’s personality or actions, as in hypnosis or suggestion.
mesmerism n. The state induced by hypnotic methods (especially that of Mesmer himself).
MESMERISM n. a hypnotic state induced by the operator's imposition of his will on that of the patient.
MIDSUMMERmidsummer n. The period around the summer solstice; about 21st June in the northern hemisphere.
midsummer n. The first day of summer.
midsummer n. The middle of summer.
MRIDAMGAMmridamgam n. Alternative form of mridangam.
MRIDAMGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDANG, MRIDANGA, MRIDANGAM.
MUMMERIESmummeries n. Plural of mummery.
MUMMERY n. a performance by mummers.
MUMMERINGmummering v. Present participle of mummer.
mummering n. Synonym of mumming (“pantomime”).
MUMMERING n. a Christmas time house-visiting tradition still practiced in Newfoundland and Labrador.
MUMMIFORMmummiform adj. Having the shape of a mummy.
MUMMIFORM n. a sarcophagus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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