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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing I, L, S and 2V

DIVULSIVEdivulsive adj. Tending to tear or pull apart.
DIVULSIVE adj. tending to pull asunder, tear, or rend.
EVASIVELYevasively adv. In an evasive manner.
EVASIVE adv. tending to evade.
INVOLVERSinvolvers n. Plural of involver.
INVOLVER n. one who involves.
LOVEVINESlove␣vines n. Plural of love vine.
LOVEVINE n. a twining herb, aka dodder.
OVERLIVESoverlives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overlive.
OVERLIVE v. to outlive.
OVERVEILSoverveils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overveil.
OVERVEIL v. to veil over.
REVULSIVErevulsive adj. Causing revulsion.
revulsive n. (Medicine) That which causes revulsion; a revulsive remedy or agent.
REVULSIVE adj. causing, or tending to, revulsion.
SLIVOVICAslivovica n. Alternative form of slivovitz.
SLIVOVICA n. (Serbo-Croat) a dry plum brandy, also SLIVOVIC, SLIVOVITZ, SLIVOWITZ.
SLIVOVITZslivovitz n. (Countable, uncountable) A type of rakija made mostly in Eastern European countries from distilled…
slivovitz n. (Countable) A serving of this alcoholic drink.
Slivovitz n. Alternative letter-case form of slivovitz.
SURVIVALSsurvivals n. Plural of survival.
SURVIVAL n. a living or continuing longer than another person or thing.
TRIVALVEStrivalves n. Plural of trivalve.
TRIVALVE n. a type of shell with three valves.
UNIVALVESunivalves n. Plural of univalve.
UNIVALVE n. a mollusk having a single shell.
VENVILLESvenvilles n. Plural of venville.
VENVILLE n. a form of tenure in parishes around Dartmoor.
VOLITIVESvolitives n. Plural of volitive.
VOLITIVE n. a desiderative verb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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