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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, 2L, U and W

BULLWHIPSbullwhips n. Plural of bullwhip.
bull-whips n. Plural of bull-whip.
bull-whips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bull-whip.
MULTIWALLmultiwall adj. Having multiple walls, especially of packaging with several outer layers.
MULTIWALL adj. made of three or more layers of special paper.
OUTWILLEDoutwilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outwill.
OUTWILL v. to surpass in willpower.
QUILLWORKquillwork n. Decorative textile embellishment made from porcupine quills by certain Native Americans.
QUILLWORK n. ornamental work in porcupine quills.
QUILLWORTquillwort n. Any of various simple microphyllous vascular plants, of the family Isoetaceae, that resemble rushes…
QUILLWORT n. an aquatic plant with hollow stems.
UNTWILLEDuntwilled adj. Not twilled.
UNTWILLED adj. not twilled.
UNWIELDLYunwieldly adj. (Possibly nonstandard) Alternative form of unwieldy.
UNWIELDLY adj. unwieldy, also UNWELDY, UNWIELDY.
UNWILLINGunwilling adj. Not willing; reluctant.
UNWILLING adj. not willing.
UPWELLINGupwelling n. An upward movement from a lower source.
upwelling n. The oceanographic phenomenon that occurs when strong, usually seasonal, winds push water away from the…
upwelling v. Present participle of upwell.
WAILFULLYwailfully adv. In a wailful manner.
WAILFUL adv. sorrowful; mournful.
WAUKMILLSwaukmills n. Plural of waukmill.
WAUKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WAULKMILLwaulkmill n. A mill for waulking or fulling cloth.
WAULKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAUKMILL.
WILLFULLYwillfully adv. US standard spelling of wilfully.
WILLFUL adv. bent on having one's own way, also WILFUL, WILLYARD, WILLYART.
WILLIWAUSwilliwaus n. Plural of williwau.
WILLIWAU n. a violent gust of cold wind, also WILLIWAW, WILLYWAW.
WISHFULLYwishfully adv. In a wishful manner.
WISHFUL adv. desirous.
WISTFULLYwistfully adv. In a wistful manner.
WISTFUL adv. yearning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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