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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, K, L, O and Y

ANKYLOSISankylosis n. (Anatomy) The growing together of bones to form a single unit.
ankylosis n. (Medicine) The stiffening of a joint as the result of such abnormal fusion.
ankylosis n. (Figuratively) An onset of stiffness or inflexibility.
ANKYLOTICankylotic adj. Of or pertaining to ankylosis.
ANKYLOTIC adj. relating to ankylosis, the joining together of bones or hard parts, also ANCHYLOTIC.
BILLYCOCKbillycock n. (Dated) A felt hat with a rounded crown, similar to a bowler.
billy-cock n. Alternative form of billycock.
BILLYCOCK n. a kind of felt hat.
BOOKISHLYbookishly adv. In a bookish manner.
BOOKISH adv. pertaining to books.
CHOKINGLYchokingly adv. While or as if choking, or in such a way as to cause one to choke.
CHOKING adv. CHOKE, to impede the breathing of.
IRKSOMELYirksomely adv. In an irksome manner; tediously.
IRKSOME adv. tending to irk.
IVORYLIKEivorylike adj. Resembling ivory.
IVORYLIKE adj. like ivory.
KILOBYTESkilobytes n. Plural of kilobyte.
KILOBYTE n. one thousand bytes.
KILOCYCLEkilocycle n. A thousand cycles (of any periodic phenomenon).
kilocycle n. (Elliptically) A thousand cycles per second; a kilohertz.
KILOCYCLE n. a unit of frequency: 1 kilocycle per second equals 1 kilohertz.
KILOGRAYSkilograys n. Plural of kilogray.
KILOGRAY n. a unit of absorbed radiation, one thousand grays.
KNOWINGLYknowingly adv. In the manner of one who knows.
knowingly adv. With knowledge of all relevant facts.
KNOWING adv. astute, crafty.
KONIOLOGYkoniology n. The study of dust, pollen and other airborne particles.
KONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also CONIOLOGY.
KRYOLITESkryolites n. Plural of kryolite.
MILKSOPPYmilksoppy adj. Weak; timid; ineffectual.
MILKSOPPY adj. like a milksop, a spiritless man or youth, also MILKSOPPING.
MOCKINGLYmockingly adv. Said, written, or done with the intent to mock, or ridicule; with mocking effect.
MOCKING adv. derisive.
MONKISHLYmonkishly adv. In a monkish way.
MONKISH adv. pertaining to monks.
ROCKINGLYrockingly adv. With a rocking sound or motion.
ROCKING adv. moving back and forth.
SOAKINGLYsoakingly adv. To the point of soaking; imparting extreme wetness.
SOAKING adv. very wet.
THYLAKOIDthylakoid n. (Biology) a folded membrane within plant chloroplasts from which grana are made, used in photosynthesis.
THYLAKOID n. any of a membranous disk of lamellae within plant chloroplasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 109 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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