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There are 16 nine-letter words containing I, J, O, R and U

CONJURIESconjuries n. Plural of conjury.
CONJURY n. conjurors' tricks, magic.
CONJURINGconjuring v. Present participle of conjure.
conjuring n. (Gerund of conjure) An act in which something is conjured.
CONJURING n. the act of conjuring.
CURRIJONGcurrijong n. Alternative form of kurrajong.
CURRIJONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian evergreen, also CURRAJONG, CURREJONG, KURRAJONG.
INJURIOUSinjurious adj. Causing physical harm or injury; harmful, hurtful.
injurious adj. Causing harm to one’s reputation; invidious, defamatory, libelous, slanderous.
INJURIOUS adj. causing injury.
JOINTUREDjointured adj. (Of an estate) Bequeathed to a wife through jointure.
jointured adj. (Of a wife) Supplied with an estate through jointure.
JOINTURE v. to settle a jointure on.
JOINTURESjointures n. Plural of jointure.
JOINTURE v. to settle a jointure on.
JOUKERIESJOUKERY n. (Scots) trickery, also JOOKERY.
JUDICATORjudicator n. One who acts as a judge.
JUDICATOR n. a person who judges.
JUNIORATEjuniorate n. (Religion) A secondary school for young people planning to enter religious life.
JUNIORATE n. a course of high school or college study for candidates for the priesthood.
JUNIORINGJUNIOR v. (of a lawyer) to assist the lead lawyer on a case.
JUNIORITYjuniority n. The quality or state of being junior.
JUNIORITY n. the state of being junior.
NONINJURYnoninjury n. A practice or philosophy of not causing injury to others.
noninjury adj. Not of or pertaining to injury.
NONINJURY adj. relating to something that is not an injury.
NONJURIESnonjuries n. Plural of nonjury.
NONJURY n. a trial without jury.
NONJURINGnonjuring adj. (Historical, Anglicanism) Describing the bishops, clergy and congregations that refused to swear allegiance…
nonjuring adj. (Historical) Describing the bishops and clergy that refused to take the oath of fidelity to the French…
non-juring adj. Alternative form of nonjuring.
SURREJOINsurrejoin v. To reply with or in a surrejoinder.
SURREJOIN v. to reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant's rejoinder.
TRIJUGOUStrijugous adj. (Botany) In three pairs; trijugate.
TRIJUGOUS adj. in three pairs, also TRIJUGATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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