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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2I, R, U and Z

BRUILZIESbruilzies n. Plural of bruilzie.
BRUILZIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRULYIE, BRULZIE.
EPICURIZEepicurize v. To profess or tend towards the doctrines of Epicurus.
epicurize v. (Intransitive) To feed or indulge like an epicure.
EPICURIZE v. (archaic) to act as an epicure, also EPICURISE.
FLUIDIZERfluidizer n. A device that fluidizes.
FLUIDIZER n. an apparatus in which fluidization is carried out, also FLUIDISER.
IMMUNIZERimmunizer n. One who immunizes.
IMMUNIZER n. one that renders immune from infection, also IMMUNISER.
PICTURIZEpicturize v. (Transitive, rare) To represent in a picture or a motion picture; to depict.
picturize v. (Transitive, rare) To adorn with pictures; to illustrate.
PICTURIZE v. to picture, also PICTURISE.
REUTILIZEreutilize v. To use or utilize something again, or for another purpose.
REUTILIZE v. to utilize again, also REUTILISE.
RHIZOBIUMrhizobium n. (Biology) Any of various bacteria, of the genus Rhizobium, that form nodules on the roots of legumes and fix nitrogen.
rhizobium n. (Biology, by extension) Any diazotrophic bacterium that can fix nitrogen and form root nodules in legumes.
Rhizobium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rhizobiaceae – soil bacteria that fix nitrogen in association with…
RITUALIZEritualize v. (US, transitive) To make into a ritual.
RITUALIZE v. to make into a ritual, also RITUALISE.
ROUTINIZEroutinize v. To make routine, to make common by repetition.
ROUTINIZE v. to make routine, also ROUTINISE.
RUSTICIZErusticize v. (Transitive) To make rustic.
RUSTICIZE v. to make rustic, also RUSTICISE.
UNIONIZERunionizer n. One who unionizes.
UNIONIZER n. one who unionizes, also UNIONISER.
UNITIZERSunitizers n. Plural of unitizer.
UNITIZER n. one who unitizes, also UNITISER.
URALITIZEuralitize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To cause or undergo uralitization.
URALITIZE v. to turn into uralite, also URALITISE.
UTILIZERSutilizers n. Plural of utilizer.
UTILIZER n. one who utilizes, also UTILISER.
ZIRCONIUMzirconium n. A chemical element (symbol Zr) with an atomic number of 40, a strong, lustrous, grey-white transition…
ZIRCONIUM n. a rare element of the carbon-silicon group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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