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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing 2I, R and 2U

BICURIOUSbicurious adj. Alternative spelling of bi-curious.
bi-curious adj. (LGBT) Interested in having relationships with both men and women, curious about one’s potential bisexuality;…
BICURIOUS adj. not identifying oneself as bisexual but interested in the possibilites.
BURQUINISBURQUINI n. a swimming costume which covers the whole body with the exception of the face, hands, and feet, suitable for wear by Muslim women, also BURKINI.
INCURIOUSincurious adj. Lacking interest or curiosity; uninterested.
incurious adj. Apathetic or indifferent.
INCURIOUS adj. not curious, also UNCURIOUS.
INJURIOUSinjurious adj. Causing physical harm or injury; harmful, hurtful.
injurious adj. Causing harm to one’s reputation; invidious, defamatory, libelous, slanderous.
INJURIOUS adj. causing injury.
IRRIGUOUSirriguous adj. (Archaic, poetic) Irrigated, well-watered.
IRRIGUOUS adj. watered; wet; irrigating.
RUBIDIUMSrubidiums n. Plural of rubidium.
RUBIDIUM n. a metallic element.
TRIPUDIUMtripudium n. (Historical) A solemn religious dance of the Ancient Romans, performed in triple time.
tripudium n. A form of divination based on the observation of birds feeding.
TRIPUDIUM n. (Latin) an ancient Roman religious dance in triple time.
UREDINIUMuredinium n. (Botany) The reddish pustule that occurs on the leaves of a plant infected with rust fungus.
UREDINIUM n. a uredosorus, a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed, also UREDIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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